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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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5 results
Celebrating Pride with Inclusive Music Therapy
Music Heals
Source / Publisher
Music Heals

This article describes how music therapy can be an anti-oppressive and affirmative service for LGBTQ+ individuals. It describes the benefits of music therapy in both group and individual settings, and describes an example of how one client benefited from a music therapy program.

Historia de la Musicoterapia
Source / Publisher
Divulgación Dinámica Formación

This video (in Spanish) explains how music has been used therapeutically throughout history. It describes how music was used in ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages, the renaissance, the baroque period, and the modern age, when music therapy was established as a profession.

Music of the Soul: Composing Life out of Loss
Joy S. Berger
Source / Publisher

This interdisciplinary book guides the reader through principles, techniques, and exercises for incorporating music into grief counseling, with the end goal of further empowering the grieving person. Music has a unique ability to elicit a whole range of powerful emotional responses in people - even so far as altering or enhancing one's mood - as well as physical reactions. The book uses musical expression to help the bereaved find meaning in loss and hurt, and move forward with their lives. 

Music Therapy and Mental Health
Jody Mackay
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Association of British Columbia

This informational page from the Music Therapy Association of British-Columbia provides an overview of music therapy practices in a mental health context. It describes why music therapy may be effective in addressing mental health needs, lists examples of mental illnesses where music therapy can help, presents different approaches and activities that can be used, and provides literature supporting the use of music therapy for mental health.

Queering Queer Spaces: Journey of a Creative Arts Program for Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Creative Youth
Spencer Hardy, Juniper Monypenny
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

As community spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals continue to expand and evolve, a variety of music and art-based programs have begun to develop. This article seeks to present a therapy program developped by an art therapist and a music therapist, targeted towards transgender, nonbinary, gender creative, and questioning youth, age 10-14, who are seeking support in navigating their gender identity and the challenges of identifying outside of the “norm” of cisgender. At a crossroads between traditional clinical mental health services and community-based approaches, it addresses the intentionality behind “queering” this program development as well as a spectrum of challenges and opportunities faced in piloting the program.