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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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8 results
A systematic Review of Music-Based Interventions for Procedural Support
Olivia Swedberg Yinger, Lori F. Gooding
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This review investigated the effects of music-based interventions (music therapy and music medicine) on pain and anxiety in children and adults undergoing medical procedures. Conclusions: There is a need to clearly define and differentiate between music therapy and music medicine interventions in procedural support research. Further research is necessary to determine which patients would benefit most from music interventions during medical procedures, and which interventions are most beneficial. 

Descubre la magia de la MUSICOTERAPIA en Hospitales | Humanización de los Servicios de Salud
Albert Cervera
Source / Publisher

This video (in Spanish), includes interviews with Antoni Aceves and Joel Olivé from Spain and Rolando Benenzon from Argentina. Each of them is highly experienced music therapists and provide a definition of music therapy, explain its potential applications, and describe its therapeutic benefits.

Exploring the Effects of Music Therapy on Pediatric Pain: Phase 1
Annette M. Whitehead-Pleaux, Natasha Zebrowski, Mary Jo Baryza, Robert L. Sheridan
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of music therapy on pain and anxiety in pediatric burn patients during nursing procedures. The results from the qualitative and quantitative data indicated that music therapy reduced pain, anxiety, and behavioral distress, while increasing mood and enhancing relaxation. 

Historia de la Musicoterapia
Source / Publisher
Divulgación Dinámica Formación

This video (in Spanish) explains how music has been used therapeutically throughout history. It describes how music was used in ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages, the renaissance, the baroque period, and the modern age, when music therapy was established as a profession.

How music therapy is helping psychiatric patients heal at UofL Health
Source / Publisher
UofL Health

UofL Health (Louisville, Kentucky) is integrating music therapy into its care plan for inpatient psychiatric patients at UofL Hospital. This video introduces you to Katelyn Farris, the music therapist who is helping patients relax and recover through the soothing sounds of music.

La Experiencia Musical
Source / Publisher
Canal Revista Medicina y Cultura DEP

This video (in Spanish) includes an interview with Daniel Torres who is a music therapist and professor in Mexico. He describes how music stimulates the brain and the implications it has on human development and rehabilitation. He also explains how music therapy incorporates these neurobiological principles and brings therapeutic benefits to individuals of various ages and needs.

The Efficacy of Music Therapy Protocols for Decreasing Pain, Anxiety, and Muscle Tension Levels During Burn Dressing Changes: A Prospective Randomized Crossover Trial
Xueli Tan, Charles J. Yowler, Dennis M. Super, Richard B. Fratianne
Source / Publisher
Burn Care & Research

The purpose of this study was to explore the efficacy of two music therapy protocols on pain, anxiety, and muscle tension levels during dressing changes in burn patients. Twenty-nine inpatients participated in this prospective, crossover randomized controlled trial. Patients practiced music-based imagery (MBI), a form of music-assisted relaxation with patient-specific mental imagery before and after dressing changes. Also, the patients engaged in music alternate engagement (MAE), which consisted of active participation in music making. Conclusion: music therapy significantly decreases the acute procedural pain, anxiety, and muscle tension levels associated with daily burn care.

The Use of Music in the Treatment and Management of Serious Mental Illness: A Global Scoping Review of the Literature
Tasha L. Golden, Stacey Springs, Hannah J. Kimmel, Sonakshi Gupta, Alyssa Tiedemann et al.
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Psychology

L’objectif de cette étude de portée était d’identifier les types et la quantité de recherches à l’intersection de la musique et des maladies mentales sérieuses (MMS), documenter les manques de preuves et les opportunités de recherche, et générer des recommandations pour améliorer la recherche et la pratique. Cinq recommandations détaillées sont offertes afin de supporter le partage et le développement d’informations à travers les disciplines.