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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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5 results
La musicoterapia rompe las barreras del silencio
Sheila Pereiro
Source / Publisher
TEDx Talk

In this video (in Spanish), Sheila Pereiro, a music therapist in Spain, shares about her experiences working with diverse populations of various ages and needs. She describes how music helped her clients express themselves, connect with others, find healing, and enhance their quality of life.

Music of the Soul: Composing Life out of Loss
Joy S. Berger
Source / Publisher

This interdisciplinary book guides the reader through principles, techniques, and exercises for incorporating music into grief counseling, with the end goal of further empowering the grieving person. Music has a unique ability to elicit a whole range of powerful emotional responses in people - even so far as altering or enhancing one's mood - as well as physical reactions. The book uses musical expression to help the bereaved find meaning in loss and hurt, and move forward with their lives. 

Music therapy in grief resolution
Ruth Bright
Source / Publisher
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic

The article describes an innovative method of facilitating grief resolution using precomposed music that is significant to the patient after a major loss. In this method, music is of equal importance with verbal processing as part of the overall therapeutic approach. Musical improvization is also used as a primary tool to reflect back to, and affirm for, the patient the affective content of his or her life story. 

¿Qué es la musicoterapia? - Carla Navarro, Pedro Vinuesa et al.
Source / Publisher
Neuras Ciencia

This video (in Spanish) includes interviews from Carla Navarro, Pedro Vinuesa, María Martínez-Gil, and Paula Ramirez who are music therapists in Spain. They explain what music therapy is, who can benefit, and how it can help people of all ages. Clients who received music therapy also describe how music therapy improved their life.