Resources & references

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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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2 results
Celebrating Pride with Inclusive Music Therapy
Music Heals
Source / Publisher
Music Heals

This article describes how music therapy can be an anti-oppressive and affirmative service for LGBTQ+ individuals. It describes the benefits of music therapy in both group and individual settings, and describes an example of how one client benefited from a music therapy program.

The drum circle project: A qualitative study with at-risk youth in a school setting
Shelley Snow, Miranda D'Amico
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

This paper describes a qualitative study that explores possible therapeutic benefits from the implementation of a music therapy drumming circle with at-risk youth in an alternative high school. The results could contribute to the development of this model for music therapists by 1) contributing to our understanding of how this process can work; 2) informing our understanding of therapeutic benefits and potential; 3) informing practice within school settings by music therapists.