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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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15 results
A Theoretical Model of Resource-Oriented Music Therapy with Informal Hospice Caregivers during Pre-Bereavement
Noah Potvin, Claire Ghetti
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This study was an exploratory inquiry into the role of music therapy with pre-bereaved informal hospice caregivers. Engagement with resource-oriented music therapy mediates the risk of increased care burden and results in resilience fostering purposefulness and value in caregiving. Resource-oriented music therapy provides a unique clinical avenue for supporting caregivers through pre-bereavement, and was acknowledged by caregivers as a unique and integral hospice service. 

Development of the Grief Process Scale through music therapy songwriting with bereaved adolescents
Thomas A. Dalton & Robert E. Krout
Source / Publisher
The Arts in Psychotherapy

The purpose of this study was to design and pilot a music therapy-driven grief processing assessment instrument with bereaved adolescents receiving group songwriting interventions. Grief process areas were developed through a descriptive analysis of a total of 123 songs previously written by bereaved adolescents who received weekly music therapy and grief counselling over a period of 36 months. 

Effects of music therapy-based bereavement groups on mood and behavior of grieving children: A pilot study (The)
Russell E. Hilliard
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of music therapy-based bereavement groups on mood and behavior of grieving children. The investigator concluded that participation in music therapy-based bereavement groups served to reduce grief symptoms among the subjects as evaluated in the home. Teacher and self-evaluations were less conclusive. 

Grief Song-Writing Process with Bereaved Adolescents: An Integrated Grief Model and Music Therapy Protocol (The)
Thomas A. Dalton & Robert E. Krout
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Perspectives

This article describes the development and implementation of the Grief Song-Writing Process (GSWP) with bereaved adolescents. Details of this protocol are shared, along with five original songs composed for and during the song-writing process.

Heartbeat Music Therapy Helps Parents Cope with Loss of Teen
Source / Publisher
Cincinnati Children's

Brian Schreck, a music therapist at Cincinnati Children's, helps patients and families dealing with a serious illness or end-of-life diagnosis cope and grieve through innovative music therapy.  In this video, the Bennett family describes how the therapy helped them through the loss of their 14-year-old son, Dylan. They listen to the song every single day.

Les bienfaits de la musicothérapie pour les endeuillés
Martine Létourneau-Ryan
Source / Publisher
Fédération des Coopératives funéraires du Québec

Article in a magazine that states the benefits of music therapy for individuals going through bereavement. Information about goals of music therapy and certified music therapists (MTA) are provided. 

Music of the Soul: Composing Life out of Loss
Joy S. Berger
Source / Publisher

This interdisciplinary book guides the reader through principles, techniques, and exercises for incorporating music into grief counseling, with the end goal of further empowering the grieving person. Music has a unique ability to elicit a whole range of powerful emotional responses in people - even so far as altering or enhancing one's mood - as well as physical reactions. The book uses musical expression to help the bereaved find meaning in loss and hurt, and move forward with their lives. 

Music therapy could help manage the pain of bereavement
Lisa Graha-Wisener, Tracey McConnell
Source / Publisher
The Conversation

This article explains how music therapy can help people cope with grief in a variety of ways. It can help create connection with a deceased loved one. It can help those grieving to explore spirituality (hope and meaning in life) and deal with challenging emotions. Many people have an intimate connection to the songs that have helped them through bereavement.

Music Therapy for Bereavement
Source / Publisher
Lumara Grief & Bereavement Care Society

In this video, an incredible family shares their story of how Music Therapy at Camp Kerry improved their lives after the death of their loved one.

Music Therapy For Grief and Loss
Source / Publisher
Utah Music Therapy

This video features an interview with Utah Music Therapist Heather Fellows, SCMT, MT-BC. She discusses the ways in which music therapy can assist those faced with  grief to learn how to process, cope and walk through the journey of bereavement.

Music therapy for supporting informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre- and post-bereavement; a mixed-methods systematic review
K. Gillespie, T. McConnell, A. Roulston, N. Potvin, C. Ghiglieri, et al.
Source / Publisher
BMC Palliative Care

The objectives of the study were: i) to describe the characteristics and effectiveness of music therapy interventions which aim to improve health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness, and ii) to describe the experience of music therapy for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness. Conclusion: qualitative studies provide moderate to strong evidence for improved health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre-bereavement. 

Music therapy helping to work through grief and finding a personal identity
Henk Smeijsters, José van den Hurk
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This article describes a qualitative single-case study of the treatment of a woman having problems with grief and finding a personal identity. The music therapist used several techniques of improvisation to support the client's cautious steps into a new musical and a new personal world.