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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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256 results
It Is Not Just Music and Rhythm . . . Evaluation of a Drumming-Based Intervention to Improve the Social Wellbeing of Alienated Youth
Simon Faulkner, Lisa Wood, Penny Ivery and Robert Donovan
Source / Publisher
Children Australia

The Discovering Relationship Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes & Thoughts (DRUMBEAT) program used drumming as a way of engaging at risk youth in a form of musical expression, while simultaneously incorporating themes and discussions relating to healthy relationships with others. The results support the underlying program theory, that combining the therapeutic potential of musical expression with basic cognitive–behavioural therapy can be used successfully to deliver a range of social learning outcomes, including emotional control, improved relationships and increased self-esteem.

Ivy’s Story - Music Therapy at BC Children’s Hospital
Source / Publisher
Music Heals

This video features the story of a young patient's healing from leukemia, who benefitted from music therapy during her hospital stay. Testimonials from the child, the parents, the music therapist and a peadiatrician are shown. 

Journal of Music therapy
Source / Publisher
American Music Therapy Association (AMTA)

The Journal of Music Therapy (JMT) is published by the American Music Therapy Association, and is a forum for authoritative articles of current music therapy research and theory, including book reviews and guest editorials.

La Experiencia Musical
Source / Publisher
Canal Revista Medicina y Cultura DEP

This video (in Spanish) includes an interview with Daniel Torres who is a music therapist and professor in Mexico. He describes how music stimulates the brain and the implications it has on human development and rehabilitation. He also explains how music therapy incorporates these neurobiological principles and brings therapeutic benefits to individuals of various ages and needs.

La musicoterapia rompe las barreras del silencio
Sheila Pereiro
Source / Publisher
TEDx Talk

In this video (in Spanish), Sheila Pereiro, a music therapist in Spain, shares about her experiences working with diverse populations of various ages and needs. She describes how music helped her clients express themselves, connect with others, find healing, and enhance their quality of life.

La musicothérapie communautaire en santé mentale : un paradigme fondé sur la chanson et la participation du client
Sue Baines, Graeme Danko
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

In 1997, a music therapy program was first piloted in a community mental health clubhouse and six months later expanded to five community mental health group homes, in British Columbia, Canada. An article published in 2000 described the predominantly song-based approach of that program and documented the participant's evaluation of it, concluding that the client-centred empowerment model of consumer inclusiveness appeared to contribute significantly to the rehabilitative effect of the program. In this article published in 2020, the authors report on the current status of the program, including new data.

Les bienfaits de la musicothérapie pour les endeuillés
Martine Létourneau-Ryan
Source / Publisher
Fédération des Coopératives funéraires du Québec

Article in a magazine that states the benefits of music therapy for individuals going through bereavement. Information about goals of music therapy and certified music therapists (MTA) are provided. 

Liz's Story
Source / Publisher
Canadian Association of Music Therapists: Facebook Page

Liz Mitchell, certified MTA,  shares her story

Los beneficios de la musicoterapia
Source / Publisher

This video (in Spanish) presents a child with a neurologic disorder who received music therapy services in Spain. It includes interviews from the child's mother, the music therapist, and a music therapy student.

Mia Clow, music therapist, shares her experience with music therapy and pain management
Source / Publisher
Canadian Music Therapy Fund
Mia Clow, a certified music therapist, shares a music therapy story and imagines the possibilities for music therapy and pain management.
Mia works with people who are experiencing chronic pain. Watch the full video to learn how she helps them reduce their perceived pain with preferred music, movement, and dance.
Miya Adout, Certified MTA
Source / Publisher
Canadian Association of Music Therapists / facebook page

Music Therapist Miya Adout describes her approach in working with elderly populations in a long term care setting, focusing on supporting empowering musical experiences, also aplicable in mental health settings

Music and it's Impacts on the Brain
Elizabeth Stegenmöller
Source / Publisher
TED Talks

 Elizabeth Stegemöller presents at the TEDx Iowa State University event on music therapy and it's impacts on the brain. She is a music therapist and utilizes music therapy to treat people with Parkinson's disease.