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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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12 results
A Conversation About… Mental Health and Music Therapy: Exploring a Session
Source / Publisher
Mental Health Professionals' Network

This audio podcast presents a conversation about music therapy. Prof. Mark Creamer receives Dr Jennifer Bibb and Dr Jason Kenner to discuss the clinical process of music therapy : referral, assessment, treatment, terminaison. Also, the content of music therapy session is discussed. Examples of music therapy experiences are heard. 

A Conversation About… Mental Health and Music Therapy: Exploring a Session (PDF transcript version)
Source / Publisher
Mental Health Professionals' Network

This transcription of a podcast episode presents a conversation about music therapy. Prof. Mark Creamer receives Dr Jennifer Bibb and Dr Jason Kenner to discuss the clinical process of music therapy : referral, assessment, treatment, terminaison. Also, the content of music therapy session is discussed. Examples of music therapy experiences are heard. 

Conférence CREGÉS: Fostering Inclusion & Empowerment of Aging Adults with IDD in an Art Hive Context
Source / Publisher
CREGÉS - CAU en gérontologie sociale

This study explored perspectives and social needs of aging adults with IDD as expressed by them through actions, words, music, and art that they shared in a university community Art Hive. Using collaborative and participatory methods, this research contextualizes the Art Hive as a place of social, creative, and relational engagement and inclusion. 

Dyadic drum playing and social skills: Implications for rhythm-mediated intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder
Ga Eul Yoo, Soo Ji Kim
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this two-part study was to confirm the relationship between dyadic drum playing and social skills and to further develop a rhythm-mediated music therapy intervention for improving the social skills of children with ASD. Participants showed greater engagement in joint action following the intervention. This study supports potential benefit of the rhythm-mediated intervention using dyadic drum playing and provides preliminary evidence strengthening its use in the social domain for individuals with ASD.

Evaluation of a music therapy social skills development program for youth with limited resources
Varvara Pasiali
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy, Volume 55, Issue 3

This research examines the potential benefit of a music therapy social skills development program to improve social skills and academic performance of school-aged children with limited resources, in an afterschool program.

La Experiencia Musical
Source / Publisher
Canal Revista Medicina y Cultura DEP

This video (in Spanish) includes an interview with Daniel Torres who is a music therapist and professor in Mexico. He describes how music stimulates the brain and the implications it has on human development and rehabilitation. He also explains how music therapy incorporates these neurobiological principles and brings therapeutic benefits to individuals of various ages and needs.

La musicothérapie communautaire en santé mentale : un paradigme fondé sur la chanson et la participation du client
Sue Baines, Graeme Danko
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

In 1997, a music therapy program was first piloted in a community mental health clubhouse and six months later expanded to five community mental health group homes, in British Columbia, Canada. An article published in 2000 described the predominantly song-based approach of that program and documented the participant's evaluation of it, concluding that the client-centred empowerment model of consumer inclusiveness appeared to contribute significantly to the rehabilitative effect of the program. In this article published in 2020, the authors report on the current status of the program, including new data.

Music Therapy Implications and Considerations for Individuals with Visual Impairments
Amy Clements-Cortez; Hope Pascoe
Source / Publisher
Canadian Music Educator

This article provides background information on visual impairments and the impact of these disorders on social connectedness, activities of daily living, mood, quality of life, and child development. Implications and potential for music therapy for visually-impaired children and adults are discussed.

Overview of a Music Therapy Program at a Maximum Security Unit of a State Psychiatric Facility
Melinda Fulford
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Perspectives

This article describes a music therapy program in a maximum security psychiatric state facility. Brief descriptions of the patient population, admission and discharge criteria, safety and security concerns, music therapy interventions, and behavioral strategies are given in order to provide a picture of the program and the concerns associated with this population.

Qué es la musicoterapia? - Natalia Garbarets
Natalia Garbarets
Source / Publisher
Más que palabras

In this video (in Spanish), Natalia Garbarets, a music therapist in Spain, explains what music therapy is, how it differs from musical education, and what are its benefits.

Scaffolding Young People’s Journey from Mental Health Services into Everyday Social Music Making
Cherry Hense
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

Many young people experience social isolation during times of mental illness which can impact lifelong health outcomes. Supporting recovery involves addressing the social dimensions of mental health and promoting capacity for community engagement. A practice-based study was designed to explore how a pilot group music therapy project could support young people to bridge from mental health services into everyday community engagement. Results show that young people’s experienced of the group as a safe space that supported processes of coming together and constructing the social identity. The concept of scaffolding is offered as a useful way of considering how support may be structured.

Spirit of Giving: Dans la rue music therapy
Source / Publisher
CTV News

This article describes the music therapy program at "Dans La Rue", a Montreal organization for homeless youth. Testimonials are given from some of the youth that have participated in this program, and the program's music therapist explains why music therapy can be beneficial.