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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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284 results
European Music Therapy Confederation (EMTC)
Type of reference
General information
Source / Publisher
European Music Therapy Confederation (EMTC)

The European Music Therapy Confederation was founded in 1991, as a forum for exchange between music therapists in Europe. The EMTC is a confederation of professional music therapy associations, working actively to promote the further development of professional practice in Europe, and to foster exchange and collaboration between member countries.

Evaluation of a music therapy social skills development program for youth with limited resources
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Varvara Pasiali
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy, Volume 55, Issue 3

This research examines the potential benefit of a music therapy social skills development program to improve social skills and academic performance of school-aged children with limited resources, in an afterschool program.

Exit music: The experience of music therapy within medical assistance in dying
Type of reference
Scientific publications
SarahRose Black, Gary Rodin, Lee Bartel
Source / Publisher
Healthcare 8(3)

Since the 2015 Canadian legalization of medical assistance in dying (MAiD), many Canadian music therapists have become involved in the care of those requesting this procedure. This qualitative study, the first of its kind, examines the experience of music therapy within MAiD, exploring lived experience from three perspectives: the patient, their primary caregiver, and the music therapist/researcher.

Expériences de musicothérapeutes travaillant à court terme avec des groupes d’adolescents en santé mentale
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Erika Guittard
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

This phenomenological study aims to document the practice of music therapy in adolescent mental health, and more specifically the brief therapy sessions carried out with groups of adolescents. Through semi-structured interviews, three Canadian music therapists, working primarily in mental health with adolescents, share their professional experience. Three main themes emerged: (a) the main goals addressed in this type of context, (b) the program structures generally established, and (c) the professional skills required.

La Experiencia Musical
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General information
Source / Publisher
Canal Revista Medicina y Cultura DEP

This video (in Spanish) includes an interview with Daniel Torres who is a music therapist and professor in Mexico. He describes how music stimulates the brain and the implications it has on human development and rehabilitation. He also explains how music therapy incorporates these neurobiological principles and brings therapeutic benefits to individuals of various ages and needs.

Exploring music for students who are blind
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General information
Source / Publisher
Perkins School for the Blind

This report tells how music therapists help the various needs of students in a school for the blind. Different music therapy interventions are described, and music therapists explain how they address goals based on their students' Individual education plan. 

Exploring the Effects of Music Therapy on Pediatric Pain: Phase 1
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Annette M. Whitehead-Pleaux, Natasha Zebrowski, Mary Jo Baryza, Robert L. Sheridan
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of music therapy on pain and anxiety in pediatric burn patients during nursing procedures. The results from the qualitative and quantitative data indicated that music therapy reduced pain, anxiety, and behavioral distress, while increasing mood and enhancing relaxation. 

Exploring the efficacy of music in palliative care: A scoping review
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Scientific publications
Mathew Nyashanu, Deborah Ikhile, Farai Pfende
Source / Publisher
Palliative & Supportive Care

This article explores the efficacy of music therapy interventions in palliative care and their therapeutic impact on physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Fact Sheet - Music Therapy for Pain Management
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General information
Source / Publisher
American Music Therapy Association

Music therapists work across populations and age groups to assist with pain management, from children during painful procedures to people at end-of-life care. Music therapists address acute, chronic as well as procedural pain.

Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of a drum circle activity to improve affect in patients, families and staff of a pediatric hospital
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Kim Archabault, Élyse Porter-Vignola, Frédéric Brière, Patricia Garel
Source / Publisher
Arts & Health

This study evaluated the feasibility and potential benefits of a drum circle activity designed to improve the affective experience of patients, families and staff in a large pediatric hospital. This preliminary study supports the usefulness of group drumming to enhance the well-being of pediatric hospital patients, families and staff.

Forms of vitality and microanalysis in music therapy within adult autism: A clinical report
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Balducci, A.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy 7(2), 197-206.

This article examines as a clinical report two years of an ongoing music therapy journey with a young woman with autism. The different phases of the music therapy process are investigated from a relational point of view, explaining the therapeutic choices made by the therapist. including the application of theory of "Forms of vitality".

Fostering Pre-Professionals and Learning Experiences in End-of-Life Care Contexts: Music Therapy Internship Supervision
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Amy Clements-Cortéz, Sara Klinck
Source / Publisher
Healthcare, 12(4)

This article is a narrative review which offers background information on palliative care music therapy, and reports the authors’ viewpoints and reflections on supervision strategies and models employed with music therapy interns in palliative care settings based on their experiences. Approaches are shared on supporting pre-professionals as they begin working in palliative care contexts, as well as implications for supervision practices.