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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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126 results
Review on the Relationship Between Sound and Movement in Sports and Rehabilitation
Nina Schaffert, Thenille Braun Janzen, Klaus Mattes & Michael H Thaut
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Psychology

The focus of this paper is threefold: 1) an overview of empirical studies using natural movement sounds and movement sonification in sports; 2) a review of recent clinical and applied studies using rhythmic auditory information and sonification in rehabilitation, addressing in particular studies on Parkinson’s disease and stroke; 3) Summary of current evidence regarding the cognitive mechanisms and neural correlates underlying the processing of auditory information during movement execution and its mental representation. 

Role of Music Therapy in Palliative Care—Methods and Techniques
Ramesh Bhuvaneswari
Source / Publisher
Journal of Palliative Care

This paper hopes to provide an insight into the role of music therapy as a Salutogenic approach within a biopsychosocial framework and its need to be accepted in the Indian context. Music therapy may play the role with preventative and curative periods of treatment, as well as support to cope and acceptance toward the inevitable for the patient as well for the caregivers. Music therapy provides a biopsychosocial and holistic approach to palliative care.

Role of the music therapist in promoting parent-infant attachment (The)
Jane Edwards
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

This article provides a rationale as to why musical interaction supported by a qualified music therapist can offer a potential pathway for improved attachment between the parent and infant. Two strong trends are revealed: the international breadth of the developing work by music therapists within family-centred contexts of practice, especially work with infants and their parents in the early years; and the use of theoretical principles of communicative musicality (Malloch & Trevarthen, 2008) combined with knowledge of early musical skills.

This article is available in French full-text translation. 

Scaffolding Young People’s Journey from Mental Health Services into Everyday Social Music Making
Cherry Hense
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

Many young people experience social isolation during times of mental illness which can impact lifelong health outcomes. Supporting recovery involves addressing the social dimensions of mental health and promoting capacity for community engagement. A practice-based study was designed to explore how a pilot group music therapy project could support young people to bridge from mental health services into everyday community engagement. Results show that young people’s experienced of the group as a safe space that supported processes of coming together and constructing the social identity. The concept of scaffolding is offered as a useful way of considering how support may be structured.

Social-emotional learning through a drumming intervention
Jennifer StGeorge; Emily Freeman.
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Perspectives

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the program DRUMBEAT (Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes and Thoughts), a ten-week school-based intervention. Linear mixed model analyses showed there were significant improvements in students’ self-esteem, and internalising and externalising behaviours, as reported by students and teachers. Drumming has the potential to draw young people into an educative environment where rhythm, collaboration and discussion can enhance understanding of intra- and interpersonal processes.

Supporting parent-child interactions: Music therapy as an intervention for promoting mutually responsive orientation
Varvara Pasiali
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy, vol. 49 issue 3

One of the few controlled researches that focus on parental bonding and music therapy.

Music therapists working with families address relationship and interpersonal communication issues; this research documents how music therapy supports mutuality and reciprocity in parent-child interactions.


Systematic Review of Music-Based Interventions for Procedural Support (A)
Olivia Swedberg Yinger, Lori F. Gooding
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This review investigated the effects of music-based interventions (music therapy and music medicine) on pain and anxiety in children and adults undergoing medical procedures. Conclusions: There is a need to clearly define and differentiate between music therapy and music medicine interventions in procedural support research. Further research is necessary to determine which patients would benefit most from music interventions during medical procedures, and which interventions are most beneficial. 

The Development of a Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy (MBMT) Program for Women Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
Teresa Lesiuk
Source / Publisher
Healthcare, 4(3)

This paper delineates the design and development of the mindfulness-based music therapy (MBMT) program implemented in a pilot study and includes clients’ narrative journal responses. Conclusions and recommendations, including recommendation for further exploration of the function of music in mindfulness practice are provided.

The drum circle project: A qualitative study with at-risk youth in a school setting
Shelley Snow, Miranda D'Amico
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

This paper describes a qualitative study that explores possible therapeutic benefits from the implementation of a music therapy drumming circle with at-risk youth in an alternative high school. The results could contribute to the development of this model for music therapists by 1) contributing to our understanding of how this process can work; 2) informing our understanding of therapeutic benefits and potential; 3) informing practice within school settings by music therapists.

The effect of improvisational group drumming versus general music therapy versus activity therapy on mood, session behaviors and transfer behaviors of in-patient psychiatric individuals
Daniel B. Tague
Source / Publisher
College of Music, Florida State University

This study was the first application of group drumming to be used for an entire treatment session in an acute psychiatric setting. This was also the first research trial to use drumming alone to influence the mood of in-patient psychiatric individuals. Results of this study indicate that a group drumming protocol can be successfully utilized as part of the psychosocial training program in a hospital setting. 

The Effect of Music-Based Imagery and Musical Alternate Engagement on the Burn Debridement Process
Richard Fratianne, Jennifer Prensner, Molly Huston, Dennis Super, et al.
Source / Publisher
Journal of Burn Care & Research

The intent of this study was to test the efficacy of music therapy in assisting burn patients in managing their pain and anxiety during debridement. Twenty-five patients, 7 years of age and older, were enrolled in the study. There was a significant reduction in the self-reporting of pain in those who received music therapy in contrast to those who did not receive music therapy. Therefore, music therapy is a valuable noninvasive intervention for the treatment of pain after burn injury.

The Effect of Songwriting on Knowledge of Coping Skills and Working Alliance in Psychiatric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Effectiveness Study.
Michael J. Silverman
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a songwriting intervention on psychiatric patients' knowledge of coping skills and working alliance. It seems that group songwriting about coping skills can be as effective a psychosocial intervention as traditional talk-based psychoeducation to teach psychiatric inpatients how to proactively manage their illness. Additionally, music therapy can be as effective as talk-based psychoeducation in establishing working alliance. Implications for clinical practice, limitations, and suggestions for future research are provided.