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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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87 results
Music therapy: ‘Her face just lights up when she hears it’
Source / Publisher
BBC News Northern Ireland

Watch the music therapy journey of a young girl with cerebral palsy and blindness. Her mother tells the changes she witnesses in her daugther during music therapy sessions. Also, this video explains how music therapy is provided in Northen Ireland. The Royal National Institute for the Blind advocates for more music therary access for children in this country. 

Music, Music Therapy and Child Development
Guylaine Vaillancourt
Source / Publisher
Éditions CHU Sainte-Justine, collection du CHU Sainte-Justine pour les parents

This book, written by music therapist Guylaine Vaillancourt, is divided in two parts. This book is intended to make parents, educators and care-givers aware of how music and music therapy can benefit children. It also explains how the purposeful use of music by music therapy professionals can restore, maintain or enhance physical and psychological well-being of children. 

Music, Therapy and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach
Elizabeth K. Schwartz
Source / Publisher
Barcelona Publishers

A comprehensive guide to music therapy with young children, providing a detailed examination of development from birth to age five, with theoretical perspectives and extensive scales of developmental milestones.
The author categorizes development within five levels. An expansive catalog of musical goals is provided for singing, playing, moving, and musical understanding within each level.

Musique, musicothérapie et développement de l'enfant
Guylaine Vaillancourt
Source / Publisher
Éditions CHU Sainte-Justine, collection du CHU Sainte-Justine pour les parents

This book is available in an official English edition by the Publisher.

This book, written by music therapist Guylaine Vaillancourt, is divided in two parts. This book is intended to make parents, educators and care-givers aware of how music and music therapy can benefit children. It also explains how the purposeful use of music by music therapy professionals can restore, maintain or enhance physical and psychological well-being of children.

See the record of the book Music, Music Therapy and Child Development


New resource helps create intergenerational connections through music therapy
Source / Publisher
Schlegel- UW Research Institute for Aging

This article describes the Intergenerational Jamboree music therapy intervention. The benefits for yound children and older adults are outlined, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed. A complete guide is provided for music therapists who wish to implement the Jamboree in their community. 

Opera legend Renee Fleming teams up with Dr. Francis Collins to study how music can improve health
Source / Publisher
PBS News Hour

In this news report, giants in their fields of music and science, soprano Renee Fleming and phyician and geneticist Francis Collins, are merging their knowledge to propel advancements in body and mind. Recent discoveries are shared. A recent international gathering of researchers, therapists and artists took stock of what is known and what is yet to be discovered. 

Parents’ Views with Music Therapy in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Vladimir L. Cousin, Hubert Colau, Francisca Barcos-Munoz, Peter C. Rimensberger, et Angelo Polito
Source / Publisher

Cette étude rapporte que la musicothérapie (MT) pourrait être utilisée comme thérapie adjuvante en soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP), pour l’anxiété et la gestion de la douleur. L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner la perception de la musicothérapie par des parents d’enfants en SIP d’un hôpital universitaire. L’étude corrobore les potentiels positifs de la MT en SIP rapportés dans d’autres études:la musicothérapie pourrait être utilisée pour promouvoir le bien-être psychologique des parents et des enfants. 

Polio Music Therapy
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Trust Fund

 An individual who suffered from polio as a child described the impact of music therapy on his recovery over the years.

Qué es la musicoterapia? - Carla Navarro, Pedro Vinuesa et al.
Source / Publisher
Neuras Ciencia

This video (in Spanish) includes interviews from Carla Navarro, Pedro Vinuesa, María Martínez-Gil, and Paula Ramirez who are music therapists in Spain. They explain what music therapy is, who can benefit, and how it can help people of all ages. Clients who received music therapy also describe how music therapy improved their life.

Qué es la musicoterapia? - Natalia Garbarets
Natalia Garbarets
Source / Publisher
Más que palabras

In this video (in Spanish), Natalia Garbarets, a music therapist in Spain, explains what music therapy is, how it differs from musical education, and what are its benefits.

Queering Queer Spaces: Journey of a Creative Arts Program for Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Creative Youth
Spencer Hardy, Juniper Monypenny
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

As community spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals continue to expand and evolve, a variety of music and art-based programs have begun to develop. This article seeks to present a therapy program developped by an art therapist and a music therapist, targeted towards transgender, nonbinary, gender creative, and questioning youth, age 10-14, who are seeking support in navigating their gender identity and the challenges of identifying outside of the “norm” of cisgender. At a crossroads between traditional clinical mental health services and community-based approaches, it addresses the intentionality behind “queering” this program development as well as a spectrum of challenges and opportunities faced in piloting the program.