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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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284 results
Intergenerational Music Therapy Jamboree
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General information
French/English - in language other than audio
Source / Publisher
Schlegel- UW Research Institute for Aging

The Jamboree is an intergenerational music therapy program in which young children, typically between the age of 0-4, and their accompanying adults (e.g., parent, grandparent, guardian) take part in weekly music therapy sessions along with residents living in retirement or LTC. During each session, a certified music therapist leads the group in singing songs, moving to music, using instruments and props (e.g., drums, scarves, bubbles) and gently facilitates interaction between participants. Additional care providers (e.g., recreation team members) observe, support and can participate in the program alongside the residents.

Interprofessional Occupational Therapy and Music Therapy Piano Keyboard Intervention for Preschoolers with Visual Impairments: A Non-Randomized Pilot Case Study
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Kelle K. DeBoth, Carol A. Olszewski , Nicole Roberge, Monica Owen
Source / Publisher
Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention

This study describes an interprofessional intervention program, combining the expertise of an occupational therapist and of a music therapist to systematically teach piano keyboarding to preschool children with impaired vision. We conducted a small, mixed methods non-randomized pilot case study to determine how such a program could be successfully embedded into a preschool setting, to examine if fine motor skills improve post-intervention, and to study the perceived effects on participants and their families.

“It’s Like we Have Our Own Rhythm”. Music Therapeutic Affect Regulation in a Case Study of a Traumatized Patient in Mental Health Treatment
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Scientific publications
Oda Dypvik Bjørke, Bolette Daniels Beck
Source / Publisher

This research article presents a case study of an adult man with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who participated in music therapy sessions. The results determined that music improvisation improved affect regulation, exploration of trauma-related issues, and self-agency.

It's like mixing paint: Songwriting gender diversity and alternative gender cultures with young people as an ‘after-queer’ methodology
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Elly Scrine
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

This paper conceptualises songwriting as an ‘after-queer’ approach for exploring notions of gender and sexuality with young people. The article draws on songs created by seven groups of young people in music-based workshops which took place in schools with participants aged between 14–17. Songwriting was used to explore the participants' imaginings of what gender might look like in their "perfect world". The paper highlights the value of creative and arts-based methodologies in queer research, through which expansion and questions of possibility, alternative, and identity can be raised and responded to.

Ivy’s Story - Music Therapy at BC Children’s Hospital
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General information
Source / Publisher
Music Heals

This video features the story of a young patient's healing from leukemia, who benefitted from music therapy during her hospital stay. Testimonials from the child, the parents, the music therapist and a pediatrician are shown.

Journal of Music therapy
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General information
Source / Publisher
American Music Therapy Association (AMTA)

 The Journal of Music Therapy (JMT) is published by the American Music Therapy Association, and is a forum for authoritative articles of current music therapy research and theory, including book reviews and guest editorials.

Les bienfaits de la musicothérapie pour les endeuillés
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General information
Martine Létourneau-Ryan
Source / Publisher
Fédération des Coopératives funéraires du Québec

Article in a magazine that states the benefits of music therapy for individuals going through bereavement. Information about goals of music therapy and certified music therapists (MTA) are provided. 

Liz's Story
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General information
Source / Publisher
Canadian Association of Music Therapists: Facebook Page

 Liz Mitchell, certified MTA,  shares her story

A look into the research of Emanuel Cerebello-González (Spanish with English Captions)
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General information
Source / Publisher
World Federation of Music Therapy

This video includes an interview of Emanuel Cerebello who is a Chilean music therapist, researcher, and music therapy educator. Emanuel discusses his research which focuses on the musical training of music therapists and educators and the use of technology for individuals with disabilities. This interview is part of the research forum of the World Federation of Music Therapy's Ethics and Research Commission.

Los beneficios de la musicoterapia
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This video (in Spanish) presents a child with a neurologic disorder who received music therapy services in Spain. It includes interviews from the child's mother, the music therapist, and a music therapy student.

Mia Clow, music therapist, shares her experience with music therapy and pain management
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General information
Source / Publisher
Canadian Music Therapy Fund
Mia Clow, a certified music therapist, shares a music therapy story and imagines the possibilities for music therapy and pain management.
Mia works with people who are experiencing chronic pain. Watch the full video to learn how she helps them reduce their perceived pain with preferred music, movement, and dance.
Miya Adout, Certified MTA
Type of reference
General information
Source / Publisher
Canadian Association of Music Therapists / facebook page

 Music Therapist Miya Adout describes her approach in working with elderly populations in a long term care setting, focusing on supporting empowering musical experiences, also aplicable in mental health settings