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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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284 results
The Transformative Thread of Music Therapy
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General information
Chiltern Music Therapy
Source / Publisher
Chiltern Music Therapy

This film shares the story of three people who have been supported through the power of music.
Music therapy helps people of all ages find their voice. Music therapy is unique in connecting at an emotional level, while improving speech, movement and learning skills.

The use of group drumming-based music therapy with male adolescents in a school violence prevention program in Korea: A pilot study
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Scientific publications
Eun Sil Suh
Source / Publisher
Psychology of Music

This study investigated how a drumming experience influences students’ aggression and narrative experience as related to school violence. Participants were 15- to 16-year-old students from two classes in a men’s high school in a Southeastern city in Korea. The qualitative data indicated that group drumming may enhance self-esteem, assertiveness, emotional expression, anger management skills, cooperation, feelings of unity, empathy, and active listening skills.

The Use of Music in the Treatment and Management of Serious Mental Illness: A Global Scoping Review of the Literature
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Scientific publications
Tasha L. Golden, Stacey Springs, Hannah J. Kimmel, Sonakshi Gupta, Alyssa Tiedemann et al.
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Psychology

L’objectif de cette étude de portée était d’identifier les types et la quantité de recherches à l’intersection de la musique et des maladies mentales sérieuses (MMS), documenter les manques de preuves et les opportunités de recherche, et générer des recommandations pour améliorer la recherche et la pratique. Cinq recommandations détaillées sont offertes afin de supporter le partage et le développement d’informations à travers les disciplines. 

The use of music therapy to address psychosocial needs of informal Caregivers: An Integrative Review
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Scientific publications
Adrienne C. Steiner-Brett
Source / Publisher
The Arts in Psychotherapy

The purpose of this investigation was to systematically review and analyze the existent music therapy literature addressing psychosocial needs of informal caregivers. Three categories were developed to sort and synthesize the literature including articles with interventions targeting joint informal caregiver (ICV) and care receiver (CR) participation, ICG specific participation, and CR specific participation. Most studies utilized an experimental design and incorporated a variety of active music therapy techniques in a group format or songwriting.

A Theoretical Model of Resource-Oriented Music Therapy with Informal Hospice Caregivers during Pre-Bereavement
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Scientific publications
Noah Potvin, Claire Ghetti
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This study was an exploratory inquiry into the role of music therapy with pre-bereaved informal hospice caregivers. Engagement with resource-oriented music therapy mediates the risk of increased care burden and results in resilience fostering purposefulness and value in caregiving. Resource-oriented music therapy provides a unique clinical avenue for supporting caregivers through pre-bereavement, and was acknowledged by caregivers as a unique and integral hospice service. 

Therabeat: Music Therapy for Kids
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This video provides music therapy live footage and testimonials of its impact in the life of children and their parents. It documents music therapy with young children within a developmental approach. 
It documents the approach and the work of Jennifer Puckett, MT-BC.

Therapeutic Effect of Music Therapy on Patients with End-stage Cancer: A Retrospective Study
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Scientific publications
Jiali Dong , Yanhua Qu
Source / Publisher
Noise & Health

This research article studies the effects of music therapy for patients with a terminal illness who are receiving end-of-life care within a family context. It studies the impact that music therapy can have on patients' immune system, quality of life, quality of sleep, and anxiety and depression levels.

Trish MacAulay, certified music therapist, shares her story
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Canadian Music Therapy Fund
Trish MacAulay, a certified music therapist and registered psychotherapist, shares a music therapy story and imagines the possibilities for music therapy.Trish's client was working on self-acceptance and self-love while processing that he was gay. Watch the full video to learn how she helped him experience, express and integrate his emotions through lyric analysis.  Imagine if everyone experiencing mental health challenges could access music therapy!
University of Toronto - Masters in Applied Music and Health
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General information
Source / Publisher
University of Toronto

Located in Toronto, Ontario, University of Toronto's Faculty of Music offers the Masters program in Applied Music and Health, approved by the Canadian Association of Music Therapists. 

To read the description of the MMus program in Applied Music and Health, choose "Music and Health - Applied" and "MMus in Applied Music and Health" from the drop down menus at the top of the page. 

University of Toronto - PhD in Music and Health Sciences
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General information
Source / Publisher
University of Toronto

Located in Toronto, Ontario, University of Toronto's Faculty of Music offers the PhD program in Music and Health Sciences. 


Using Music Technology with Children and Adolescents with Visual Impairment and Additional Disabilities
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Scientific publications
Lisa Martino, Michael Bertolamy
Source / Publisher
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This chapter describes the use of music technology as part of music therapy sessions at the Perkins School for the Blind. Diverse music therapy technology tools and their clinical use are described: voice output communication aids and switches, soundbeam device,  and music production softwares.

Using music-adapted technology to explore Bruscia’s clinical techniques introduced in autism research: Pilot study
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Kurkjian, A., & Skinner, K.. Ahonen, H.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy

 This pilot research investigated eight most commonly used Bruscia’s (1987) clinical improvisation techniques utilised in music therapy with autistic clients: imitating, reflecting, synchronising, extending, symbolising, holding, incorporating, and rhythmic grounding. Improvisations were recorded using LogicPro connected to MalletKAT
instruments. Improvisations were analysed using music-adapted technology, the MIDI Toolbox.