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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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126 results
What sound can you make? A case study of a music therapy group for children with autism, learning disabilities and challenging behaviours.
White, B.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy

 Children with autism have historically received individual music therapy sessions; however they can also benefit from small group work where they can have a shared musical experience.

​​Effects of Music on Pain: A Meta-Analysis (The)
Jin Hyung Lee
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The aim of this meta-analysis was to examine published RCT studies investigating the effect of music on pain. Analysis of the 97 included studies revealed that music interventions had statistically significant effects in decreasing pain, emotional distress from pain, anesthetic use, opioid intake, non-opioid intake, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and respiration rate. Conclusion: music interventions may provide an effective complementary approach for the relief of acute, procedural, and cancer/chronic pain in the medical setting.

‘Boom Boom in the Zoom Zoom Room’: Online music therapy with children and adolescents with visual impairment
Bill Ahessy
Source / Publisher
British Journal of Visual Impairment

The COVID-19 pandemic created a major transformation in the delivery of music therapy services worldwide as they moved online. Parents and their children with visual impairment participated in online music therapy sessions. Parents indicated that the programme was a valuable family resource that supported bonding and interaction. A discussion of the findings is followed by implications for practice.

“A great moment . . . because of the music”: An exploratory study on music therapy and early interaction with children with visual impairment and their sighted caregivers
Maren Metell
Source / Publisher
British Journal of Visual Impairment

This article describes how musical interaction can contribute to bonding and early interaction for children with visual impairments (aged 1–4 years) and their caregivers, who participated in music therapy sessions over 10 weeks. This article discusses the findings in the broader perspective of disability studies and community music therapy, and argues that music therapy promotes positive interactions and empowerment of children with visual impairment and their caregivers.

“GIM grabs you, it takes you into the experience that you're ready to have”: An interview with Jim Borling
Jim Borling, Anna Giménez Castells
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music

This is a semi-structured interview with Jim Borling, a renowned practitioner and primary trainer of the Bonny method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM). In this interview, he explains that GIM is something that changed his own life as well as the lives of many others. This is due to the fact that GIM approaches not only the psycho-social, psycho-emotional, and biographic aspects of clients’ therapeutic work, but also the spiritual dimension of people. 

“It's like mixing paint”: Songwriting gender diversity and alternative gender cultures with young people as an ‘after-queer’ methodology
Elly Scrine
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

This paper conceptualises songwriting as an ‘after-queer’ approach for exploring notions of gender and sexuality with young people. The article draws on songs created by seven groups of young people in music-based workshops which took place in schools with participants aged between 14–17. Songwriting was used to explore the participants' imaginings of what gender might look like in their "perfect world". The paper highlights the value of creative and arts-based methodologies in queer research, through which expansion and questions of possibility, alternative, and identity can be raised and responded to.