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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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5 results
How music therapy can help anxious children
Dr. Elizabeth Coombes
Source / Publisher
The Conversation

 This article describes the ways music therapy has been applied to help children cope with anxiety related disorders

Music therapy for stress reduction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
de Witte, Martina, Pinho, Ana da Silva, Stams, Geert-Jan, Moonen, Xavier, Bos, Arjan ER, van Hooren, Susan
Source / Publisher
Health Psychology Review

Music therapy is increasingly being used as an intervention for stress reduction in both medical and mental healthcare settings. Music therapy is characterized by personally tailored music interventions initiated by a trained and qualified music therapist, which distinguishes music therapy from other music interventions, such as ‘music medicine’, which concerns mainly music listening interventions offered by healthcare professionals. To summarize the growing body of empirical research on music therapy, a multilevel meta-analysis was performed to assess the strength of the effects of music therapy on both physiological and psychological stress-related outcomes, and to test potential moderators of the intervention effects. Results showed that music therapy showed an overall medium-to-large effect on stress-related outcomes.

Music Therapy in Pain and Anxiety Management during Labor: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Rocio Santiváñez-Acosta, Elena de las Nieves Tapia-López, and Marilina Santero.
Source / Publisher

The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy to manage pain and anxiety during labor. The primary outcomes were measured by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Music therapy seems to have beneficial effects on pain intensity and anxiety during labor, especially for women giving birth for the first time. 

Music Therapy, with a focus on teenagers, at the Montreal Children's Hospital
Bilingual (English & French)
French/English - in language other than audio
Source / Publisher
Montreal Children's Hospital

 Julien Peyrin is part of the team of music therapists working at this hospital. With his Handpan, Julien creates links with the adolescents of our psychiatric unit. Through musical exchanges with them, he allows them to manage their emotions through creation. Patients write and record their songs or musical performances and choose music that calms them or helps them fall asleep. They also have the opportunity to release excess energy by playing a percussion instrument. This non-judgmental therapeutic approach is proving successful. Not only do patients report feeling progress at the end of their sessions, some even report discovering a new passion!

Parents’ Views with Music Therapy in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Vladimir L. Cousin, Hubert Colau, Francisca Barcos-Munoz, Peter C. Rimensberger, et Angelo Polito
Source / Publisher

Cette étude rapporte que la musicothérapie (MT) pourrait être utilisée comme thérapie adjuvante en soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP), pour l’anxiété et la gestion de la douleur. L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner la perception de la musicothérapie par des parents d’enfants en SIP d’un hôpital universitaire. L’étude corrobore les potentiels positifs de la MT en SIP rapportés dans d’autres études:la musicothérapie pourrait être utilisée pour promouvoir le bien-être psychologique des parents et des enfants.