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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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14 results
Comfort, connection and music: Experiences of music therapy and inter-active listening on a palliative care unit
Type of reference
Scientific publications
SarahRose Black, Gary Rodin, Camilla Zimmermann
Source / Publisher
Music and Medicine

This qualitative study explores the lived experience of inter-active listening (IAL), an individualized music therapy experience in which the therapist plays music or sings while the patient engages through listening. The study found that a receptive music therapy referred to as IAL was associated, in cancer patients in an acute palliative care unit, with increased emotional and spiritual well-being and a greater sense of connection to self and others.

A Community-Based Music Therapy Support Group for People With Alzheimer's Disease and Their Caregivers: A Sustainable Partnership Model
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Robin Rio
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Medicine

This article explains how a music therapy support group was created to relieve some of the strain on caregivers by allowing for greater emotional support through relationships with peers and professionals, and through the increase of meaningful interactions with their loved ones with dementia. The community-based MT support group has been replicated twice within the region, and is a promising model for other communities. 

Exploring the efficacy of music in palliative care: A scoping review
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Mathew Nyashanu, Deborah Ikhile, Farai Pfende
Source / Publisher
Palliative & Supportive Care

This article explores the efficacy of music therapy interventions in palliative care and their therapeutic impact on physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

GIM grabs you, it takes you into the experience that you're ready to have: An interview with Jim Borling
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Jim Borling, Anna Giménez Castells
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music

This is a semi-structured interview with Jim Borling, a renowned practitioner and primary trainer of the Bonny method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM). In this interview, he explains that GIM is something that changed his own life as well as the lives of many others. This is due to the fact that GIM approaches not only the psycho-social, psycho-emotional, and biographic aspects of clients’ therapeutic work, but also the spiritual dimension of people. 

Music and spirituality: Explanations and implications for music therapy
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Paul Laurent Lauzon
Source / Publisher
British Journal of Music Therapy

Previous literature in music therapy suggests a need for greater clarity and insight concerning correlations between music and spirituality for the modern clinician. The purpose of this article is to provide a clear explanation of these correlations and some possible implications for the practice of music therapy.

Music Therapy and Addiction Treatment
Type of reference
General information
American Music Therapy Association, Inc.
Source / Publisher
American Music Therapy Association, Inc.

This fact sheet from the American Music Therapy Association provides information about music therapy practices for substance abuse recovery. This page provides information on potential outcomes of music therapy, contraindications for music therapy, the clinical process, research areas, and a client testimonial.

Music Therapy and Mental Health
Type of reference
General information
Jody Mackay
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Association of British Columbia

This informational page from the Music Therapy Association of British-Columbia provides an overview of music therapy practices in a mental health context. It describes why music therapy may be effective in addressing mental health needs, lists examples of mental illnesses where music therapy can help, presents different approaches and activities that can be used, and provides literature supporting the use of music therapy for mental health.

Music therapy could help manage the pain of bereavement
Type of reference
General information
Lisa Graha-Wisener, Tracey McConnell
Source / Publisher
The Conversation

This article explains how music therapy can help people cope with grief in a variety of ways. It can help create connection with a deceased loved one. It can help those grieving to explore spirituality (hope and meaning in life) and deal with challenging emotions. Many people have an intimate connection to the songs that have helped them through bereavement.

Music Therapy in End-of-Life Care Contexts
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Amy Clements-Cortés, Sara Klinck
Source / Publisher
Scolarly Community Encyclopedia

This brief entry is a summary of a peer-reviewed article. It explains succinctly what is music therapy in palliative care. 

Music therapy for palliative care: A realist review
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Tracey McConnell, Sam Porter
Source / Publisher
Palliative & Supportive Care

This article investigates the therapeutic effects of music therapy for individuals in palliative care facing physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual challenges.

Music Therapy in Palliative Care
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Clare O’Callaghan
Source / Publisher
Oxford University Press

This book chapter explains the effects of music therapy in palliative care. It is derived from the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine (5th Ed) published by the Oxford University Press. Note: The link includes the full text of the chapter (i.e., 18 pages plus references).

Music Therapy in Palliative Care: New Voices
Type of reference
Scientific publications
David Aldridge
Source / Publisher
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book presents some of the work from music therapists working in different approaches, in different countries, showing how valuable the inclusion of music therapy in palliative care has already proved to be. It is important for the dying, or those with terminal illness, that approaches are used which integrate the physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of their being.