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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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256 results
Future perspectives on neural mechanisms underlying rhythm and music based neurorehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease
Yuko Koshimori & Michael H. Thaut
Source / Publisher
Ageing Research Reviews

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized primarily by a dysfunctional basal ganglia (BG) system, producing
motor and non-motor symptoms. A significant number of studies have demonstrated that rhythmic auditory
stimulation can improve gait and other motor behaviors in PD that are not well managed by the conventional
therapy. As music, being highly complex stimulus, can modulate brain activity/function in distributed areas of
brain, the therapeutic properties of music potentially extend to alleviate non-motor symptoms of PD. Despite the
clinical, behavioral evidence and promises of rhythm and music based interventions, the neural substrates underlying the effectiveness are poorly understood. The goal of this review is to appraise the current state of
knowledge in order to direct further neuroimaging studies that help to determine the therapeutic effects of
rhythm and music based interventions for motor and non-motor symptoms of PD.

Gender affirming voicework: An introduction for music therapy
Maevon Gumble
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

Informed by personal experiences, queer autoethnographic research, and literature from the fields of speech-language pathology, vocal pedagogy and music therapy, this paper is an introduction to gender affirming voicework in music therapy, the training that it might involve, and several questions/issues that need further exploration. As a new holistic method grounded in a queer theoretical framework, the author envisions this work to be a therapeutic space focused on accessing and embodying affirming gender expressions by working with the intersections of the physical voice, the psychological voice, and the body as these each become relevant to an individual.

Global perspectives on addressing systemic issues in music therapy curricula and healthcare
Amy Clements-Cortés, Melissa Mercadal-Brotons, Hakeem Leonard, Vivian Chan, Gro Trondalen, Tao-Deva Stingl, Thomas Stegemann, Claudia Zanini
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 24(1)

The discipline of music therapy is practiced differently across the globe and over the years, in all regions of the world, the number of music therapy training programs has expanded. This article focuses on the challenges and issues faced by the discipline of music therapy and health in general, based on the analysis of systemic issues in education and training, social issues, and significant issues such as multiculturalism, equity, and race around the world.

Grief Song-Writing Process with Bereaved Adolescents: An Integrated Grief Model and Music Therapy Protocol (The)
Thomas A. Dalton & Robert E. Krout
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Perspectives

This article describes the development and implementation of the Grief Song-Writing Process (GSWP) with bereaved adolescents. Details of this protocol are shared, along with five original songs composed for and during the song-writing process.

Group Telehealth Music Therapy With Caregivers: A Qualitative Inquiry
Annabelle Breault & Guylaine Vaillancourt
Source / Publisher
Journal of Patient Experience

This qualitative study explored the experiences of informal caregivers of older adults who took part in group telehealth music therapy. Semi-structured interviews with 5 women caregivers were conducted. Through a thematic analysis process, the following themes were identified: (a) affordances of group telehealth music therapy, (b) challenges of group telehealth music therapy, and (c) music as a health resource. Telehealth considerations, clinical implications, as well as ways to support caregiver agency are discussed.

Healing connects through music therapy
Jodi Winnwalker
Source / Publisher
TED Talks

 Music Therapist Jodi Winnwalker shares the connective and healing power of music

Healing Through the Power of Music: Music Therapy at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital
Source / Publisher
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland

This video showcases the Jared Kurtin Music Therapy Program at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, which is a clinical and evidence-based program for hospitalized infants, children and their families. This hospital is a leader in creative medical treatment options and has the first established pediatric music therapy program in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Hear Our Voices: A Music Therapy Songwriting Program and the Message of the Little Saints through the Medium of Rap
Scott MacDonald, Michael Viega
Source / Publisher

This chapter details a unique music therapy songwriting program, Hear Our Voices, and the songwriting process of the Little Saints, a group of “at-risk” fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The authors, who were also the music therapists working with this group, discuss the relevance of Hip-Hop culture, and its musical framework, to the music therapy process, and to the success of the program. 

Heartbeat Music Therapy Helps Parents Cope with Loss of Teen
Source / Publisher
Cincinnati Children's

Brian Schreck, a music therapist at Cincinnati Children's, helps patients and families dealing with a serious illness or end-of-life diagnosis cope and grieve through innovative music therapy.  In this video, the Bennett family describes how the therapy helped them through the loss of their 14-year-old son, Dylan. They listen to the song every single day.

Historia de la Musicoterapia
Source / Publisher
Divulgación Dinámica Formación

This video (in Spanish) explains how music has been used therapeutically throughout history. It describes how music was used in ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages, the renaissance, the baroque period, and the modern age, when music therapy was established as a profession.

How Does Music Therapy Help with Addiction Treatment?
Addiction Rehab
Source / Publisher
Addiction Rehab Toronto

This article is published by a center that offers services to facilitate the rehabilitation of clients that suffer from substance abuse/dependency, using proven traditional methods in conjunction with a holistic approach. The article presents how music therapy works and how it can help to contribute in the treatment for addiction recovery.

How Music can Heal our Brain and Heart
Kathleen M. Howland
Source / Publisher
TED Talks

 Music therapy is an ancient and yet very modern practice that has the power to heal and transform our brains and bodies in significant ways. Kathleen Howland, speech language and music therapist explains how music really does have the power to heal our brain and heart.