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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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93 results
Music therapy for stress reduction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Type of reference
Scientific publications
de Witte, Martina, Pinho, Ana da Silva, Stams, Geert-Jan, Moonen, Xavier, Bos, Arjan ER, van Hooren, Susan
Source / Publisher
Health Psychology Review

Music therapy is increasingly being used as an intervention for stress reduction in both medical and mental healthcare settings. Music therapy is characterized by personally tailored music interventions initiated by a trained and qualified music therapist, which distinguishes music therapy from other music interventions, such as ‘music medicine’, which concerns mainly music listening interventions offered by healthcare professionals. To summarize the growing body of empirical research on music therapy, a multilevel meta-analysis was performed to assess the strength of the effects of music therapy on both physiological and psychological stress-related outcomes, and to test potential moderators of the intervention effects. Results showed that music therapy showed an overall medium-to-large effect on stress-related outcomes.

Music therapy for supporting informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre- and post-bereavement; a mixed-methods systematic review
Type of reference
Scientific publications
K. Gillespie, T. McConnell, A. Roulston, N. Potvin, C. Ghiglieri, et al.
Source / Publisher
BMC Palliative Care

The objectives of the study were: i) to describe the characteristics and effectiveness of music therapy interventions which aim to improve health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness, and ii) to describe the experience of music therapy for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness. Conclusion: qualitative studies provide moderate to strong evidence for improved health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre-bereavement. 

Music therapy in grief resolution
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Ruth Bright
Source / Publisher
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic

The article describes an innovative method of facilitating grief resolution using precomposed music that is significant to the patient after a major loss. In this method, music is of equal importance with verbal processing as part of the overall therapeutic approach. Musical improvization is also used as a primary tool to reflect back to, and affirm for, the patient the affective content of his or her life story. 

Music therapy helping to work through grief and finding a personal identity
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Henk Smeijsters, José van den Hurk
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This article describes a qualitative single-case study of the treatment of a woman having problems with grief and finding a personal identity. The music therapist used several techniques of improvisation to support the client's cautious steps into a new musical and a new personal world.

Music therapy: A nonpharmacological approach to the care of agitation and depressive symptoms for nursing home residents with dementia
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Kendra D Ray, Mary S Mittelman
Source / Publisher

Depression, agitation, and wandering are common behaviors associated with dementia and frequently observed among nursing home residents. The results of this study suggest widespread use of music therapy in long-term care settings may be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and agitation.

Music Therapy in Pain and Anxiety Management during Labor: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Rocio Santiváñez-Acosta, Elena de las Nieves Tapia-López, and Marilina Santero.
Source / Publisher

The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy to manage pain and anxiety during labor. The primary outcomes were measured by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Music therapy seems to have beneficial effects on pain intensity and anxiety during labor, especially for women giving birth for the first time. 

Music Therapy in Palliative Care
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Clare O’Callaghan
Source / Publisher
Oxford University Press

This book chapter explains the effects of music therapy in palliative care. It is derived from the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine (5th Ed) published by the Oxford University Press. Note: The link includes the full text of the chapter (i.e., 18 pages plus references).

Music Therapy in Palliative Care: New Voices
Type of reference
Scientific publications
David Aldridge
Source / Publisher
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book presents some of the work from music therapists working in different approaches, in different countries, showing how valuable the inclusion of music therapy in palliative care has already proved to be. It is important for the dying, or those with terminal illness, that approaches are used which integrate the physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of their being. 

Music Therapy in Substance Abuse Treatment with Tim Ringgold
Type of reference
General information
Tim Ringgold
Source / Publisher

A music therapist presents the use of Music Therapy in Substance Abuse Treatment. He starts by describing life experiences that led him to music therapy. Then, he goes on to discuss the 5 main clinical goals to use when working with this population (which work into the S.O.B.E.R. acronym). Suggested interventions and more are also covered.

Music therapy support groups for cancer patients and caregivers: A mixed-methods approach
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Abbey Lynn Dvorak
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of music therapy support groups (MTSG) on physical, psychological, and social functioning of cancer patients and caregivers. A mixed-methods approach was used, including an experimental, randomized, controlled trial and qualitative data from participant comments. The experimental group demonstrated statistically significant changes pre- to post-session in (a) pain in three sessions; (b) mood, stress, and anxiety in all six sessions; and (c) quality of life in two sessions.

Music Therapy at The End of Life (2nd edition)
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Cheryl Dileo & Mariagrazia Baroni (Eds.)
Source / Publisher
Jeffrey Books

This book has been designed as a textbook on music therapy for pediatric and adult patients receiving hospice care; it is divided into 4 parts. Part I is designed to provide foundational information on hospice and hospice music therapy. Part 2 includes descriptions of theory, assessment, roles of the therapist, and developmental issues in practice. Part 3 is focused on educational and professional issues. Part 4 is focused on advancing hospice music therapy. 

Music Therapy at the Montreal Children's Hospital
Type of reference
General information
Source / Publisher
The Montreal Children's Foundation

 Presentation by Tanya Lavoie, certified music therapist, working at the Montreal Children's Hospital.