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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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126 results
Hear Our Voices: A Music Therapy Songwriting Program and the Message of the Little Saints through the Medium of Rap
Scott MacDonald, Michael Viega
Source / Publisher

This chapter details a unique music therapy songwriting program, Hear Our Voices, and the songwriting process of the Little Saints, a group of “at-risk” fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The authors, who were also the music therapists working with this group, discuss the relevance of Hip-Hop culture, and its musical framework, to the music therapy process, and to the success of the program. 

How voicework in music therapy helped a young girl with severe learning disabilities and autism to engage in her learning
Warnock, T.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: Music Therapy & Special Music Education 4(2), 85-92.

This article examines the use of the non-verbal voice in music therapy with children with severe learning disabilities, complex needs and autism. Recent literature on the use of the voice in music therapy is summarised and links are made between the aims of music therapy and those of special educational establishments. Theories regarding the voice and the self, and the important connection between body awareness and emotion as precursors to learning are referred to, particularly in relation to learning disability.

I Am Safe and I Am Strong: Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resilience through Trauma-Informed Music Therapy
Olivia Swedberg Yinger
Source / Publisher

This book chapter provides an overview of research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), descriptions of key components of resilience in child development and trauma-informed care, and recommendations for music therapists. 
How can music therapy foster resilience in children who have lived though adverse experiences? How can music therapists provide trauma-informed care to their most vulnerable clients?"mmandations pour les musicothérapeutes. 

Improved motor skills in autistic children after three weeks of neurologic music therapy via telehealth: a pilot study
Nicole Richard Williams, Corene Hurt-Thaut, Jessica Brian, Luc Tremblay et al.
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Psychology

This mixed-methods pilot study investigated whether nine Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT)® sessions via telehealth would improve motor and attention skills in autistic children. The improvements in motor skills and positive caregiver and therapist views of telehealth indicate that NMT motor interventions administered via telehealth are a promising avenue of therapeutic support for movement skill development in autistic children.

Intergenerational Jamboree: A step-by-step guide to intergenerational music therapy in senior living
Kate Dupuis, Kathy Lepp, Carrie Perkins, Melissa Jessop, Emma Bender
Source / Publisher
Schlegel- UW Research Institute for Aging

This intervention guide is designed for music therapists and recreation and leisure/activity team members who support individuals living in retirement and long-term care (LTC) homes and wish to provide intergenerational music therapy experiences to their residents. The creation of the Jamboree was a collaborative process between the music therapist and the director of recreation at the Village of Riverside Glen LTC home in Guelph, Canada. The team advocates that creating intergenerational opportunities can benefit the health and well-being of both younger and older individuals. 

Interprofessional Occupational Therapy and Music Therapy Piano Keyboard Intervention for Preschoolers with Visual Impairments: A Non-Randomized Pilot Case Study
Kelle K. DeBoth, Carol A. Olszewski , Nicole Roberge, Monica Owen
Source / Publisher
Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention

This study describes an interprofessional intervention program, combining the expertise of an occupational therapist and of a music therapist to systematically teach piano keyboarding to preschool children with impaired vision. We conducted a small, mixed methods non-randomized pilot case study to determine how such a program could be successfully embedded into a preschool setting, to examine if fine motor skills improve post-intervention, and to study the perceived effects on participants and their families.

It Is Not Just Music and Rhythm . . . Evaluation of a Drumming-Based Intervention to Improve the Social Wellbeing of Alienated Youth
Simon Faulkner, Lisa Wood, Penny Ivery and Robert Donovan
Source / Publisher
Children Australia

The Discovering Relationship Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes & Thoughts (DRUMBEAT) program used drumming as a way of engaging at risk youth in a form of musical expression, while simultaneously incorporating themes and discussions relating to healthy relationships with others. The results support the underlying program theory, that combining the therapeutic potential of musical expression with basic cognitive–behavioural therapy can be used successfully to deliver a range of social learning outcomes, including emotional control, improved relationships and increased self-esteem.

La musicothérapie communautaire en santé mentale : un paradigme fondé sur la chanson et la participation du client
Sue Baines, Graeme Danko
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

In 1997, a music therapy program was first piloted in a community mental health clubhouse and six months later expanded to five community mental health group homes, in British Columbia, Canada. An article published in 2000 described the predominantly song-based approach of that program and documented the participant's evaluation of it, concluding that the client-centred empowerment model of consumer inclusiveness appeared to contribute significantly to the rehabilitative effect of the program. In this article published in 2020, the authors report on the current status of the program, including new data.

Music and Life in the Field of Play: An Anthology
Carolyn Kenny
Source / Publisher
Barcelona Publishers

An anthology of selected writings and presentations by Carolyn Kenny from 1979 to 2006. This volume includes two books, The Mythic Artery and The Field of Play; articles from journals about Music Therapy and Indigenous Studies, chapters in books on Music Therapy; and previously unpublished papers and case study. This volume clearly reveals, perhaps for the first time, the important interplay between Kenny’s lifelong work in Music Therapy and her parallel work in Indigenous Studies. It also integrates many disciplines that both influence and are influenced by Music Therapy education, practice, and research.

Music and spirituality: Explanations and implications for music therapy
Paul Laurent Lauzon
Source / Publisher
British Journal of Music Therapy

Previous literature in music therapy suggests a need for greater clarity and insight concerning correlations between music and spirituality for the modern clinician. The purpose of this article is to provide a clear explanation of these correlations and some possible implications for the practice of music therapy.

Music for Pain and Anxiety in Children Undergoing Medical Procedures: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Jeffrey A. Klassen, Yuanyuan Liang PhD, Lisa Tjosvold MLIS, Terry P. Klassen MD, MSc, Lisa Hartling MSc
Source / Publisher
Ambulatory Pediatrics

The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the efficacy of music therapy on pain and anxiety in children undergoing clinical procedures. Conclusion: Music is effective in reducing anxiety and pain in children undergoing medical and dental procedures; it can be considered an adjunctive therapy in clinical situations that produce pain or anxiety.

Music Interventions and Group Participation Skills of Preschoolers with Visual Impairments: Raising Questions about Music, Arousal, and Attention
Sheri L. Robb
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This pilot study had two purposes: First, to document and compare attentive behavior during music and play-based group instructional sessions and second, and to document and compare 4 group participation behaviors during music and play-based sessions. Discussion regarding differential outcomes among participants, as well as an exploration of theories related to music, arousal, and attention are discussed in an effort to guide future research.