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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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256 results
Celebrating Pride with Inclusive Music Therapy
Music Heals
Source / Publisher
Music Heals

This article describes how music therapy can be an anti-oppressive and affirmative service for LGBTQ+ individuals. It describes the benefits of music therapy in both group and individual settings, and describes an example of how one client benefited from a music therapy program.

Children's Right to Music
Bilingual (English & French)
French/English - in language other than audio
Source / Publisher
Concordia University, Department of Creative Arts Therapies

Concordia University produced the "Children's Right to Music" documentary.  The videos included in this documentary introduce music therapists interacting and using music with groups of children that are autistic or with some disabilities, in schools or community settings adapted to support their development and meet their needs.

Clinical effectiveness of mindfulness-based music therapy on improving emotional regulation in blind older women: A randomized controlled trial
Sunny H.W. Chan and al.
Source / Publisher
Integrative Medicine Research

This study aimed to investigate clinical effectiveness of a structured eight-week mindfulness-based music therapy (MBMT) program on improving mood regulation in older women with blindness. 

Clinical Neuroscience of Music: Evidence Based Approaches and Neurologic Music Therapy (The) - Editorial
Michael H. Thaut, Gerard Francisco and Volker Hoemberg
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Neuroscience

This is an Editorial on the following Research Topic: The Clinical Neuroscience of Music: Evidence Based Approaches and Neurologic Music Therapy.

Driven by new insights from research in music and brain function, a new understanding of the capabilities of music as a complex auditory language in therapy and rehabilitation has emerged over the past 25 years. Research has shown that music engages complex perceptual, cognitive, affective, speech/language, and motor control processes in the human brain. Furthermore, translational research approaches have shown that brain processes in music perception, music cognition, and music production can engage and shape non-musical perceptual, cognitive, language, and motor functions to effectively retrain the injured brain in neurorehabilitation and neurodevelopment. Music has become a language of science again as well as a new language to change the brain.

Comfort, connection and music: Experiences of music therapy and inter-active listening on a palliative care unit
SarahRose Black, Gary Rodin, Camilla Zimmermann
Source / Publisher
Music and Medicine

This qualitative study explores the lived experience of inter-active listening (IAL), an individualized music therapy experience in which the therapist plays music or sings while the patient engages through listening. The study found that a receptive music therapy referred to as IAL was associated, in cancer patients in an acute palliative care unit, with increased emotional and spiritual well-being and a greater sense of connection to self and others.

Community Music Therapy for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
Sandra L. Curtis , Chesley Sigmon Mercado
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 4(3)

This paper describes a Performing Arts Program, representative of Community Music Therapy. Adults with developmental disabilities participated in community-based performing ensembles — instrumental/vocal groups and American Sign Language (ASL) music interpretation groups. The Performing Arts Program was successful in fostering community engagement, social networking, and friendship building. Implications for the changing trends in music therapy are discussed.

Concepts de pédiatrie sociale en communauté et musicothérapie : Une perspective herméneutique
Sandrine Zuyderhoff
Source / Publisher
Université Concordia

Masters thesis that analyzes concepts of social paediatrics applied to music therapy. Results describe the application of these concepts by music therapists working within this approach. 

Concordia University - Music therapy education & programs
Source / Publisher
Concordia University

The Department of Creative Arts Therapies, from Concordia University in Montréal (Québec) offers the Music Therapy Graduate and Master's Programs, and coordinates the clinical internships required to become a certified music therapist in Canada.

Conférence CREGÉS: Fostering Inclusion & Empowerment of Aging Adults with IDD in an Art Hive Context
Source / Publisher
CREGÉS - CAU en gérontologie sociale

This study explored perspectives and social needs of aging adults with IDD as expressed by them through actions, words, music, and art that they shared in a university community Art Hive. Using collaborative and participatory methods, this research contextualizes the Art Hive as a place of social, creative, and relational engagement and inclusion. 

Dana's Story
Source / Publisher
Canadian Association of Music Therapists / facebook page

Music Therapist Dana Prouse describes her approach in working from a neurologic music therapy perspective

Descubre la magia de la MUSICOTERAPIA en Hospitales | Humanización de los Servicios de Salud
Albert Cervera
Source / Publisher

This video (in Spanish), includes interviews with Antoni Aceves and Joel Olivé from Spain and Rolando Benenzon from Argentina. Each of them is highly experienced music therapists and provide a definition of music therapy, explain its potential applications, and describe its therapeutic benefits.

Developing a best-practice agenda for music therapy research to support informal carers of terminally ill patients pre- and post-death bereavement: a world café approach
Source / Publisher
BMC Palliative Care

This study aimed to co-design an international best practice agenda for research into music therapy for informal carers of patients pre- and post-death bereavement. Results show that the effectiveness of music therapy in supporting informal carers across the bereavement continuum should be prioritised. This should be done using a mixed methods design to draw on the strengths of different methodological approaches to building the evidence base. It should involve service users throughout.