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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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102 results
Music for Pain and Anxiety in Children Undergoing Medical Procedures: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Jeffrey A. Klassen, Yuanyuan Liang PhD, Lisa Tjosvold MLIS, Terry P. Klassen MD, MSc, Lisa Hartling MSc
Source / Publisher
Ambulatory Pediatrics

The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the efficacy of music therapy on pain and anxiety in children undergoing clinical procedures. Conclusion: Music is effective in reducing anxiety and pain in children undergoing medical and dental procedures; it can be considered an adjunctive therapy in clinical situations that produce pain or anxiety.

Music Interventions and Group Participation Skills of Preschoolers with Visual Impairments: Raising Questions about Music, Arousal, and Attention
Sheri L. Robb
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This pilot study had two purposes: First, to document and compare attentive behavior during music and play-based group instructional sessions and second, and to document and compare 4 group participation behaviors during music and play-based sessions. Discussion regarding differential outcomes among participants, as well as an exploration of theories related to music, arousal, and attention are discussed in an effort to guide future research.

Music interventions for improving psychological and physical outcomes in people with cancer
Joke Bradt, Cheryl Dileo, Katherine Myers-Coffman, Jacelyn Biondo
Source / Publisher
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

This systematic review indicates that music interventions compared to standard care may have beneficial effects on anxiety, depression, hope, pain, and fatigue in adults with cancer. The results of two trials suggest that music interventions may have a beneficial effect on anxiety in children with cancer. For several outcomes, music therapy interventions delivered by a trained music therapist led to consistent results across studies. The abstract is available in many languages. 

Music Therapy and autism: A view from disability studies.
Straus, J.
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 14(3).

 Music therapy has positioned itself squarely within the medical model of disability, arguing that many sorts of human variability should be understood as illnesses, diseases, or other sorts of pathological medical conditions, and offering music as a source of normalization, remediation, and therapy toward a possible cure. But for many human conditions, including autism, cure is neither possible nor desirable. Instead of seeking to normalize autistic people, music therapy might instead acknowledge their distinctive sorts of musical interests and attitudes and offer to enhance their indigenous culture in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Instead of normalization and cure, music therapists might seek enhanced self-expression, knowledge, and pleasure through mutual music-making.

Music therapy and music medicine interventions with adult burn patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Sofia Monsalve-Duarte, William Betancourt-Zapata, Nicolas Suarez-Cañon et al.
Source / Publisher

Pain is one of the most common and difficult symptoms to manage in adult burn patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This systematic review and meta-analysis provide an update of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) using music therapy or music medicine interventions with adult burn patients. It provides preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of music interventions this population. However, more high-quality RCTs are needed to establish guidelines.

Music therapy could help manage the pain of bereavement
Lisa Graha-Wisener, Tracey McConnell
Source / Publisher
The Conversation

This article explains how music therapy can help people cope with grief in a variety of ways. It can help create connection with a deceased loved one. It can help those grieving to explore spirituality (hope and meaning in life) and deal with challenging emotions. Many people have an intimate connection to the songs that have helped them through bereavement.

Music therapy for end-of-life care: An updated systematic review
Tracey McConnell, David Scott, Sam Porter
Source / Publisher
Palliative Medicine

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of music therapy versus standard care alone or standard care in combination with other therapies for improving psychological, physiological and social outcomes among adult patients in any palliative care setting. Findings suggest that music therapy may be effective for helping to reduce pain in palliative care patients. 

Music therapy for stress reduction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
de Witte, Martina, Pinho, Ana da Silva, Stams, Geert-Jan, Moonen, Xavier, Bos, Arjan ER, van Hooren, Susan
Source / Publisher
Health Psychology Review

Music therapy is increasingly being used as an intervention for stress reduction in both medical and mental healthcare settings. Music therapy is characterized by personally tailored music interventions initiated by a trained and qualified music therapist, which distinguishes music therapy from other music interventions, such as ‘music medicine’, which concerns mainly music listening interventions offered by healthcare professionals. To summarize the growing body of empirical research on music therapy, a multilevel meta-analysis was performed to assess the strength of the effects of music therapy on both physiological and psychological stress-related outcomes, and to test potential moderators of the intervention effects. Results showed that music therapy showed an overall medium-to-large effect on stress-related outcomes.

Music therapy for supporting informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre- and post-bereavement; a mixed-methods systematic review
K. Gillespie, T. McConnell, A. Roulston, N. Potvin, C. Ghiglieri, et al.
Source / Publisher
BMC Palliative Care

The objectives of the study were: i) to describe the characteristics and effectiveness of music therapy interventions which aim to improve health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness, and ii) to describe the experience of music therapy for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness. Conclusion: qualitative studies provide moderate to strong evidence for improved health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre-bereavement. 

Music therapy for young children with acquired communication impairments: An international survey of clinical practices
James Burns, Rebecca O’Connor & Hilary Moss
Source / Publisher
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy

This study employed an online survey to investigate current approaches, clinical interventions, and outcome measures used by music therapists working with young children with acquired communication impairments (ACIs)  to address language- and communication-oriented goals. Among the diverse range of interventions employed by music therapists, song singing, vocal improvisation, and music and play emerged as the most effective techniques for supporting individuals with ACIs in achieving their goals. 

Music therapy helping to work through grief and finding a personal identity
Henk Smeijsters, José van den Hurk
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This article describes a qualitative single-case study of the treatment of a woman having problems with grief and finding a personal identity. The music therapist used several techniques of improvisation to support the client's cautious steps into a new musical and a new personal world.

Music Therapy Implications and Considerations for Individuals with Visual Impairments
Amy Clements-Cortez; Hope Pascoe
Source / Publisher
Canadian Music Educator

This article provides background information on visual impairments and the impact of these disorders on social connectedness, activities of daily living, mood, quality of life, and child development. Implications and potential for music therapy for visually-impaired children and adults are discussed.