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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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109 results
Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of a drum circle activity to improve affect in patients, families and staff of a pediatric hospital
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Kim Archabault, Élyse Porter-Vignola, Frédéric Brière, Patricia Garel
Source / Publisher
Arts & Health

This study evaluated the feasibility and potential benefits of a drum circle activity designed to improve the affective experience of patients, families and staff in a large pediatric hospital. This preliminary study supports the usefulness of group drumming to enhance the well-being of pediatric hospital patients, families and staff.

Forms of vitality and microanalysis in music therapy within adult autism: A clinical report
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Balducci, A.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy 7(2), 197-206.

This article examines as a clinical report two years of an ongoing music therapy journey with a young woman with autism. The different phases of the music therapy process are investigated from a relational point of view, explaining the therapeutic choices made by the therapist. including the application of theory of "Forms of vitality".

Fostering Pre-Professionals and Learning Experiences in End-of-Life Care Contexts: Music Therapy Internship Supervision
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Amy Clements-Cortéz, Sara Klinck
Source / Publisher
Healthcare, 12(4)

This article is a narrative review which offers background information on palliative care music therapy, and reports the authors’ viewpoints and reflections on supervision strategies and models employed with music therapy interns in palliative care settings based on their experiences. Approaches are shared on supporting pre-professionals as they begin working in palliative care contexts, as well as implications for supervision practices.

Future perspectives on neural mechanisms underlying rhythm and music based neurorehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Yuko Koshimori & Michael H. Thaut
Source / Publisher
Ageing Research Reviews

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized primarily by a dysfunctional basal ganglia (BG) system, producing
motor and non-motor symptoms. A significant number of studies have demonstrated that rhythmic auditory
stimulation can improve gait and other motor behaviors in PD that are not well managed by the conventional
therapy. As music, being highly complex stimulus, can modulate brain activity/function in distributed areas of
brain, the therapeutic properties of music potentially extend to alleviate non-motor symptoms of PD. Despite the
clinical, behavioral evidence and promises of rhythm and music based interventions, the neural substrates underlying the effectiveness are poorly understood. The goal of this review is to appraise the current state of
knowledge in order to direct further neuroimaging studies that help to determine the therapeutic effects of
rhythm and music based interventions for motor and non-motor symptoms of PD.

Gender affirming voicework: An introduction for music therapy
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Maevon Gumble
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

Informed by personal experiences, queer autoethnographic research, and literature from the fields of speech-language pathology, vocal pedagogy and music therapy, this paper is an introduction to gender affirming voicework in music therapy, the training that it might involve, and several questions/issues that need further exploration. As a new holistic method grounded in a queer theoretical framework, the author envisions this work to be a therapeutic space focused on accessing and embodying affirming gender expressions by working with the intersections of the physical voice, the psychological voice, and the body as these each become relevant to an individual.

GIM grabs you, it takes you into the experience that you're ready to have: An interview with Jim Borling
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Jim Borling, Anna Giménez Castells
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music

This is a semi-structured interview with Jim Borling, a renowned practitioner and primary trainer of the Bonny method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM). In this interview, he explains that GIM is something that changed his own life as well as the lives of many others. This is due to the fact that GIM approaches not only the psycho-social, psycho-emotional, and biographic aspects of clients’ therapeutic work, but also the spiritual dimension of people. 

Global perspectives on addressing systemic issues in music therapy curricula and healthcare
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Amy Clements-Cortés, Melissa Mercadal-Brotons, Hakeem Leonard, Vivian Chan, Gro Trondalen, Tao-Deva Stingl, Thomas Stegemann, Claudia Zanini
Source / Publisher
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 24(1)

The discipline of music therapy is practiced differently across the globe and over the years, in all regions of the world, the number of music therapy training programs has expanded. This article focuses on the challenges and issues faced by the discipline of music therapy and health in general, based on the analysis of systemic issues in education and training, social issues, and significant issues such as multiculturalism, equity, and race around the world.

A great moment . . . because of the music: An exploratory study on music therapy and early interaction with children with visual impairment and their sighted caregivers
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Maren Metell
Source / Publisher
British Journal of Visual Impairment

This article describes how musical interaction can contribute to bonding and early interaction for children with visual impairments (aged 1–4 years) and their caregivers, who participated in music therapy sessions over 10 weeks. This article discusses the findings in the broader perspective of disability studies and community music therapy, and argues that music therapy promotes positive interactions and empowerment of children with visual impairment and their caregivers.

Grief Song-Writing Process with Bereaved Adolescents: An Integrated Grief Model and Music Therapy Protocol (The)
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Thomas A. Dalton & Robert E. Krout
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Perspectives

This article describes the development and implementation of the Grief Song-Writing Process (GSWP) with bereaved adolescents. Details of this protocol are shared, along with five original songs composed for and during the song-writing process.

Group Telehealth Music Therapy With Caregivers: A Qualitative Inquiry
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Annabelle Breault & Guylaine Vaillancourt
Source / Publisher
Journal of Patient Experience

This qualitative study explored the experiences of informal caregivers of older adults who took part in group telehealth music therapy. Semi-structured interviews with 5 women caregivers were conducted. Through a thematic analysis process, the following themes were identified: (a) affordances of group telehealth music therapy, (b) challenges of group telehealth music therapy, and (c) music as a health resource. Telehealth considerations, clinical implications, as well as ways to support caregiver agency are discussed.

How voicework in music therapy helped a young girl with severe learning disabilities and autism to engage in her learning
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Warnock, T.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: Music Therapy & Special Music Education 4(2), 85-92.

This article examines the use of the non-verbal voice in music therapy with children with severe learning disabilities, complex needs and autism. Recent literature on the use of the voice in music therapy is summarised and links are made between the aims of music therapy and those of special educational establishments. Theories regarding the voice and the self, and the important connection between body awareness and emotion as precursors to learning are referred to, particularly in relation to learning disability.

Improved motor skills in autistic children after three weeks of neurologic music therapy via telehealth: a pilot study
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Nicole Richard Williams, Corene Hurt-Thaut, Jessica Brian, Luc Tremblay et al.
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Psychology

This mixed-methods pilot study investigated whether nine Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT)® sessions via telehealth would improve motor and attention skills in autistic children. The improvements in motor skills and positive caregiver and therapist views of telehealth indicate that NMT motor interventions administered via telehealth are a promising avenue of therapeutic support for movement skill development in autistic children.