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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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256 results
Music therapy legacy work in palliative care: Creating meaning at end of life
Louise M. Cadrin
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

Legacy work is the process of creatively expressing and documenting one's life, with the goal of leaving the legacy for future generations. Music therapists can offer unique opportunities to create legacy work due to the music medium that is the basis of their work. Three contrasting case studies, incorporating patient, family and therapist perspectives, are presented to illustrate music therapy legacy work.

Music Therapy May Help Teens Cope with Cancer
Mary Brophy Marcus
Source / Publisher

  This article describes different techniques, interventions and outcomes of teens during cancer treatment. They describe how writing lyrics, making videos helped them get through grueling treatment and connect with others, study found.

Music Therapy program at Calgary's Foothills hospital Expanded
Carolyn Kury de Castilla
Source / Publisher
Global News

Music is now being used as medicine at the Foothills Medical Centre intensive care unit in Calgary, helping everyone from palliative care patients to stroke victims.

Music Therapy Program at SickKids
Sick Kids Interactive
Source / Publisher
Sick Kids Interactive

This video shows work by music therapist Carolyn Williams with children at Sick Kids Medical Hospital, in Toronto. Parents talk about the impact that music therapy has had on the development and the recovery of their child, while the music therapist comments on the actions and reactions of the children in the video. 

Music Therapy Reduces Pain in Palliative Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Kathy Jo Gutgsell, Mark Schluchter, Seunghee Margevicius, Peter A. DeGolia, et al.
Source / Publisher
Journal of Pain and Symtpom Management

The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a single music therapy session to reduce pain in palliative care patients. This research validates that a single music therapy intervention incorporating therapist-guided autogenic relaxation and live music was effective in lowering pain in palliative care patients.

Music Therapy Respite Program for Caregivers of Individuals With Memory Loss (A)
Becky Wellman, PHD, LPMT, MT-BC
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Perspectives

 Music therapy has been a known positive and impactful intervention for adults with memory loss, but previous research and program reports have focused mainly on residents in long-term care facilities. In this study, a caregiver survey was utilized to learn how Music Therapy Respite, a community-based drop-in program, benefited caregivers and their care partner and if this changed based on attendance in a professionally led support group.

Music therapy support groups for cancer patients and caregivers: A mixed-methods approach
Abbey Lynn Dvorak
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of music therapy support groups (MTSG) on physical, psychological, and social functioning of cancer patients and caregivers. A mixed-methods approach was used, including an experimental, randomized, controlled trial and qualitative data from participant comments. The experimental group demonstrated statistically significant changes pre- to post-session in (a) pain in three sessions; (b) mood, stress, and anxiety in all six sessions; and (c) quality of life in two sessions.

Music Therapy Today
Source / Publisher
World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT)

Bi-annual online journal, whose purpose is to disseminate current knowledge and information about music therapy education, clinical practice, and research worldwide.

Music Therapy with Families: Therapeutic Approaches and Theoretical Perspectives
Stine Lindahl Jacobsen, Grace Thompson
Source / Publisher
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book describes well-defined models of music therapy for working with families in different clinical areas, ranging from families with special needs children or dying family members through to families in psychiatric or paediatric hospital settings. International contributors discuss their specific approaches and share case studies. Particular emphasis is placed on connecting theory and clinical practice and on discussing the challenges and relevance of each model.

Music Therapy With Trauma Patients and Their Families on a Pediatric Service
Laura Mc Donnell
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy

 Music therapy can uniquely help severely injured children and their families deal with the events surrounding an accident and its aftermath. The use of music therapy in treating these families on a pediatric service is described and illustrated with a fracture patient and a burn patient

Music therapy, with a focus on babies, at the Montreal Children's Hospital
Bilingual (English & French)
French/English - in language other than audio
Source / Publisher
Montreal Children's Hospital

 Pascal Comeau is part of the team of music therapists working at this hospital. With a variety of instruments, Pascal does much more than make music. By cleverly using soothing sounds, bright colors and fun shapes, he helps children who are admitted to the hospital for long periods of time or who have frequent appointments express their stress, fears and other feelings through music.For children with physical disabilities, playing an instrument and moving to the beat of the music can even improve their motor skills. In this video, find out more about the fascinating profession of music therapist!

Music Therapy, with a focus on teenagers, at the Montreal Children's Hospital
Bilingual (English & French)
French/English - in language other than audio
Source / Publisher
Montreal Children's Hospital

 Julien Peyrin is part of the team of music therapists working at this hospital. With his Handpan, Julien creates links with the adolescents of our psychiatric unit. Through musical exchanges with them, he allows them to manage their emotions through creation. Patients write and record their songs or musical performances and choose music that calms them or helps them fall asleep. They also have the opportunity to release excess energy by playing a percussion instrument. This non-judgmental therapeutic approach is proving successful. Not only do patients report feeling progress at the end of their sessions, some even report discovering a new passion!