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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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87 results
Descubre la magia de la MUSICOTERAPIA en Hospitales | Humanización de los Servicios de Salud
Albert Cervera
Source / Publisher

This video (in Spanish), includes interviews with Antoni Aceves and Joel Olivé from Spain and Rolando Benenzon from Argentina. Each of them is highly experienced music therapists and provide a definition of music therapy, explain its potential applications, and describe its therapeutic benefits.

Dyadic drum playing and social skills: Implications for rhythm-mediated intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder
Ga Eul Yoo, Soo Ji Kim
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this two-part study was to confirm the relationship between dyadic drum playing and social skills and to further develop a rhythm-mediated music therapy intervention for improving the social skills of children with ASD. Participants showed greater engagement in joint action following the intervention. This study supports potential benefit of the rhythm-mediated intervention using dyadic drum playing and provides preliminary evidence strengthening its use in the social domain for individuals with ASD.

El Poder Terapeutico de la Música
Max Teran
Source / Publisher
TEDx Talk

In this video (in Spanish), Max Terán, a music therapist in Costa Rica, explains what music therapy is, who can benefit, and how it can help diverse populations. He also describes his work as a music therapist and how he became a music therapist. Lastly, he emphasizes how music therapy can bring positive change to communities, schools, heath care, and families.

Evaluation of a music therapy social skills development program for youth with limited resources
Varvara Pasiali
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy, Volume 55, Issue 3

This research examines the potential benefit of a music therapy social skills development program to improve social skills and academic performance of school-aged children with limited resources, in an afterschool program.

Exploring music for students who are blind
Source / Publisher
Perkins School for the Blind

This report tells how music therapists help the various needs of students in a school for the blind. Different music therapy interventions are described, and music therapists explain how they address goals based on their students' Individual education plan. 

Exploring the Effects of Music Therapy on Pediatric Pain: Phase 1
Annette M. Whitehead-Pleaux, Natasha Zebrowski, Mary Jo Baryza, Robert L. Sheridan
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of music therapy on pain and anxiety in pediatric burn patients during nursing procedures. The results from the qualitative and quantitative data indicated that music therapy reduced pain, anxiety, and behavioral distress, while increasing mood and enhancing relaxation. 

Fact Sheet - Music Therapy for Pain Management
Source / Publisher
American Music Therapy Association

Music therapists work across populations and age groups to assist with pain management, from children during painful procedures to people at end-of-life care. Music therapists address acute, chronic as well as procedural pain.

Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of a drum circle activity to improve affect in patients, families and staff of a pediatric hospital
Kim Archabault, Élyse Porter-Vignola, Frédéric Brière, Patricia Garel
Source / Publisher
Arts & Health

This study evaluated the feasibility and potential benefits of a drum circle activity designed to improve the affective experience of patients, families and staff in a large pediatric hospital. This preliminary study supports the usefulness of group drumming to enhance the well-being of pediatric hospital patients, families and staff.

Healing Through the Power of Music: Music Therapy at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital
Source / Publisher
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland

This video showcases the Jared Kurtin Music Therapy Program at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, which is a clinical and evidence-based program for hospitalized infants, children and their families. This hospital is a leader in creative medical treatment options and has the first established pediatric music therapy program in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Hear Our Voices: A Music Therapy Songwriting Program and the Message of the Little Saints through the Medium of Rap
Scott MacDonald, Michael Viega
Source / Publisher

This chapter details a unique music therapy songwriting program, Hear Our Voices, and the songwriting process of the Little Saints, a group of “at-risk” fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The authors, who were also the music therapists working with this group, discuss the relevance of Hip-Hop culture, and its musical framework, to the music therapy process, and to the success of the program. 

How Music can Heal our Brain and Heart
Kathleen M. Howland
Source / Publisher
TED Talks

 Music therapy is an ancient and yet very modern practice that has the power to heal and transform our brains and bodies in significant ways. Kathleen Howland, speech language and music therapist explains how music really does have the power to heal our brain and heart.

How Music Therapy Can Become Medicine for Hospital Patients
Anicka Quin
Source / Publisher
Reader's Digest Best Health

This article summarizes many in which music therapy is used in medical institutions. Testimonials from patients and interviews with therapists are featured.