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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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25 results
A Conversation About… Mental Health and Music Therapy: Therapeutic Outcomes
Source / Publisher
Mental Health Professionals' Network

In this podcast episode, Clinical Psychologist Professor Mark Creamer, and Registered Music Therapists: Dr Jason Kenner and Dr Jennifer Bibb explore what music therapy aims to achieve, treatment goals and why change occurs. Expand your knowledge by hearing about the difference between individual and group sessions, the ways in which music therapy can meet short and long-term goals, and how music therapists use their unique skills and methods to provide collaborative care.

A Conversation About… Mental Health and Music Therapy: Therapeutic Outcomes (PDF transcript)
Source / Publisher
Mental Health Professionals' Network

In this transcription of a podcast episode, Clinical Psychologist Professor Mark Creamer, and Registered Music Therapists: Dr Jason Kenner and Dr Jennifer Bibb explore what music therapy aims to achieve, treatment goals and why change occurs. Expand your knowledge by hearing about the difference between individual and group sessions, the ways in which music therapy can meet short and long-term goals, and how music therapists use their unique skills and methods to provide collaborative care.

Comfort, connection and music: Experiences of music therapy and inter-active listening on a palliative care unit
SarahRose Black, Gary Rodin, Camilla Zimmermann
Source / Publisher
Music and Medicine

This qualitative study explores the lived experience of inter-active listening (IAL), an individualized music therapy experience in which the therapist plays music or sings while the patient engages through listening. The study found that a receptive music therapy referred to as IAL was associated, in cancer patients in an acute palliative care unit, with increased emotional and spiritual well-being and a greater sense of connection to self and others.

Descubre la magia de la MUSICOTERAPIA en Hospitales | Humanización de los Servicios de Salud
Albert Cervera
Source / Publisher

This video (in Spanish), includes interviews with Antoni Aceves and Joel Olivé from Spain and Rolando Benenzon from Argentina. Each of them is highly experienced music therapists and provide a definition of music therapy, explain its potential applications, and describe its therapeutic benefits.

DRUM-PD: The Use of a Drum Circle to Improve the Symptoms and Signs of Parkinson's Disease (PD)
Alexander Pantelyat, Candace Syres, Suzanne Reichwein, Allison Willis,
Source / Publisher
Mouvement Disorders Clinical Practice

This pilot controlled prospective and cohort trial assessed feasibility and effects of twice-weekly group West African drum circle classes for 6 weeks on Parkinson's Disease (PD) patients’ quality of life, symptoms, motor findings, cognition, and mood. Drum circle classes significantly and reversibly improved quality of life in patients with PD.

Effect of Music Therapy on Chemotherapy Anticipatory Symptoms in Adolescents: A Mixed Methods Study
Filippo Giordano, Chiara Rutigliano, Caterina Ugolini, Angarano Rosa, et al.
Source / Publisher
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

This study is about music therapy with adolescents undergoing chemotherapy.  A significant reduction in anxiety, nausea and vomiting was observed. Furthermore, perceived stress and psychological/physical wellbeing were improved in participants. 

Effects of music therapy and music-based interventions in the treatment of substance use disorders: A systematic review.
Louisa Hohmann, Joke Bradt, Thomas Stegemann, Stefan Koelsch.
Source / Publisher
PLoS One

The authors of this review conducted a systematic search on published articles examining effects of music, music therapy (MT) and music based interventions (MBI), and found 34 quantitative and six qualitative studies. Beneficial effects of MT and MBI on emotional and motivational outcomes, participation, locus of control, and perceived helpfulness were reported. The analysis of the qualitative studies revealed four themes: emotional expression, group interaction, development of skills, and improvement of quality of life.

Effects of Music Therapy on Quality of Life in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease (MUSIQOLS): A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study
Samuel Rodgers-Melnick, Lucas Lin, Kristina Gam, Evanilda Souza de Santana Carvalho et al.
Source / Publisher
Journal of Pain Research

This study examined whether a 6-part music therapy intervention was feasible, acceptable, and beneficial among adults with sickle cell disease and chronic pain. Interviews revealed two themes related to participants’ experience of music therapy: 1) participants learned new self-management skills and 2) music therapy improved participants’ ability to cope with pain. 

El Poder Terapeutico de la Música
Max Teran
Source / Publisher
TEDx Talk

In this video (in Spanish), Max Terán, a music therapist in Costa Rica, explains what music therapy is, who can benefit, and how it can help diverse populations. He also describes his work as a music therapist and how he became a music therapist. Lastly, he emphasizes how music therapy can bring positive change to communities, schools, heath care, and families.

La Experiencia Musical
Source / Publisher
Canal Revista Medicina y Cultura DEP

This video (in Spanish) includes an interview with Daniel Torres who is a music therapist and professor in Mexico. He describes how music stimulates the brain and the implications it has on human development and rehabilitation. He also explains how music therapy incorporates these neurobiological principles and brings therapeutic benefits to individuals of various ages and needs.

Los beneficios de la musicoterapia
Source / Publisher

This video (in Spanish) presents a child with a neurologic disorder who received music therapy services in Spain. It includes interviews from the child's mother, the music therapist, and a music therapy student.

Music interventions for improving psychological and physical outcomes in people with cancer
Joke Bradt, Cheryl Dileo, Katherine Myers-Coffman, Jacelyn Biondo
Source / Publisher
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

This systematic review indicates that music interventions compared to standard care may have beneficial effects on anxiety, depression, hope, pain, and fatigue in adults with cancer. The results of two trials suggest that music interventions may have a beneficial effect on anxiety in children with cancer. For several outcomes, music therapy interventions delivered by a trained music therapist led to consistent results across studies. The abstract is available in many languages.