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Our website is an ever-growing hub of reference material for anyone interested in learning more about music therapy: videos, presentations, interviews, articles, research papers, information about the profession of music therapist and other documents to better understand music therapy and its benefits.

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256 results
Music Therapy at The End of Life (2nd edition)
Cheryl Dileo & Mariagrazia Baroni (Eds.)
Source / Publisher
Jeffrey Books

This book has been designed as a textbook on music therapy for pediatric and adult patients receiving hospice care; it is divided into 4 parts. Part I is designed to provide foundational information on hospice and hospice music therapy. Part 2 includes descriptions of theory, assessment, roles of the therapist, and developmental issues in practice. Part 3 is focused on educational and professional issues. Part 4 is focused on advancing hospice music therapy. 

Music Therapy at the Montreal Children's Hospital
Source / Publisher
The Montreal Children's Foundation

 Presentation by Tanya Lavoie, certified music therapist, working at the Montreal Children's Hospital.

Music therapy could help manage the pain of bereavement
Lisa Graha-Wisener, Tracey McConnell
Source / Publisher
The Conversation

This article explains how music therapy can help people cope with grief in a variety of ways. It can help create connection with a deceased loved one. It can help those grieving to explore spirituality (hope and meaning in life) and deal with challenging emotions. Many people have an intimate connection to the songs that have helped them through bereavement.

Music Therapy for Adults with Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions
American Music Therapy Association, Inc.
Source / Publisher
American Music Therapy Association, Inc.

This fact sheet from the American Music Therapy Association provides information about music therapy practices for adults with mental health and substance use challenges. This page provides information on relevant definitions and statistics, the types of mental health settings in which music therapists work, potential outcomes of music therapy, contraindications for music therapy, the clinical process, and effectiveness research.

Music Therapy for Bereavement
Source / Publisher
Lumara Grief & Bereavement Care Society

In this video, an incredible family shares their story of how Music Therapy at Camp Kerry improved their lives after the death of their loved one.

Music therapy for end-of-life care: An updated systematic review
Tracey McConnell, David Scott, Sam Porter
Source / Publisher
Palliative Medicine

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of music therapy versus standard care alone or standard care in combination with other therapies for improving psychological, physiological and social outcomes among adult patients in any palliative care setting. Findings suggest that music therapy may be effective for helping to reduce pain in palliative care patients. 

Music Therapy For Grief and Loss
Source / Publisher
Utah Music Therapy

This video features an interview with Utah Music Therapist Heather Fellows, SCMT, MT-BC. She discusses the ways in which music therapy can assist those faced with  grief to learn how to process, cope and walk through the journey of bereavement.

Music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder
Geretsegger M, Elefant C, Mössler KA, Gold C
Source / Publisher
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

 The central impairments of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affect social interaction and communication. Music therapy uses musical experiences and the relationships that develop through them to enable communication and expression, thus attempting to address some of the core problems of people with ASD. The present version of this review on music therapy for ASD is an update of the original Cochrane review published in 2006. The findings of this updated review provide evidence that music therapy may help children with ASD to improve their skills in social interaction, verbal communication, initiating behaviour, and social-emotional reciprocity. Music therapy may also help to enhance non-verbal communication skills within the therapy context. Furthermore, in secondary outcome areas, music therapy may contribute to increasing social adaptation skills in children with ASD and to promoting the quality of parent-child relationships.

Music therapy for people with substance use disorders
Claire Ghetti, Xi‐Jing Chen, Annette K Brenner, Laurien G Hakvoort, Lars Lien, Jorg Fachner, and Christian Gold
Source / Publisher
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

This is a Cochrane Review (intervention) addressing music therapy for people with substance use disorders. The objective was to compare the effect of music therapy in addition to standard care versus standard care alone, or to standard care plus an active control intervention, on psychological symptoms, substance craving, motivation for treatment, and motivation to stay clean/sober. The review outlines the search methods, selection criteria, data collection and analysis, results, and the authors' conclusions.

Music therapy for stress reduction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
de Witte, Martina, Pinho, Ana da Silva, Stams, Geert-Jan, Moonen, Xavier, Bos, Arjan ER, van Hooren, Susan
Source / Publisher
Health Psychology Review

Music therapy is increasingly being used as an intervention for stress reduction in both medical and mental healthcare settings. Music therapy is characterized by personally tailored music interventions initiated by a trained and qualified music therapist, which distinguishes music therapy from other music interventions, such as ‘music medicine’, which concerns mainly music listening interventions offered by healthcare professionals. To summarize the growing body of empirical research on music therapy, a multilevel meta-analysis was performed to assess the strength of the effects of music therapy on both physiological and psychological stress-related outcomes, and to test potential moderators of the intervention effects. Results showed that music therapy showed an overall medium-to-large effect on stress-related outcomes.

Music therapy for students who are both deaf and blind truly works, teacher says
KSL news, Utah, USA

Music therapy allows children with visual impairment to reach their goals and develop their motor, cognitive and communications skills. Children who are part of the group explain why they enjoy music therapy. 

Music therapy for supporting informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre- and post-bereavement; a mixed-methods systematic review
K. Gillespie, T. McConnell, A. Roulston, N. Potvin, C. Ghiglieri, et al.
Source / Publisher
BMC Palliative Care

The objectives of the study were: i) to describe the characteristics and effectiveness of music therapy interventions which aim to improve health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness, and ii) to describe the experience of music therapy for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness. Conclusion: qualitative studies provide moderate to strong evidence for improved health-related outcomes for adult informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre-bereavement.