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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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284 results
Music Therapy, with a focus on teenagers, at the Montreal Children's Hospital
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General information
French/English - in language other than audio
Source / Publisher
Montreal Children's Hospital

Julien Peyrin is part of the team of music therapists working at this hospital. With his Handpan, Julien creates links with the adolescents of our psychiatric unit. Through musical exchanges with them, he allows them to manage their emotions through creation. Patients write and record their songs or musical performances and choose music that calms them or helps them fall asleep. They also have the opportunity to release excess energy by playing a percussion instrument. This non-judgmental therapeutic approach is proving successful. Not only do patients report feeling progress at the end of their sessions, some even report discovering a new passion!

Music Therapy With Trauma Patients and Their Families on a Pediatric Service
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Laura Mc Donnell
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy

 Music therapy can uniquely help severely injured children and their families deal with the events surrounding an accident and its aftermath. The use of music therapy in treating these families on a pediatric service is described and illustrated with a fracture patient and a burn patient

Music-based interventions can improve stroke, Parkinson's Disease
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General information
Emily Henderson
Source / Publisher
News Medical, Life Sciences

 Article describes research findings of music therapy with individuals recovering from a stroke or who are managing Parkinson's disease. This article discusses the use of music therapy for neurorehabilitation

Musico-relational competencies: Examining the convergence of musical and relational competencies in improvisational group music therapy for people with borderline personality disorder
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Jason Kenner
Source / Publisher
Melbourne Conservatorium of Music

This thesis details a qualitative study on music therapy process resulting in the new concept of musico-relational competence. The project began with an exploration of music processes in the context of outpatient adult psychiatry. An ethnographic and ethnomusicological approach to the analysis of the video data (including music analysis) is used, focusing on the meaning making process of participants in the study.

Musicoterapia - Dr. Mark Ettenberger
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Source / Publisher
Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá

This video (in Spanish) includes an interview of Dr. Mark Ettenberger who works as a music therapist in Colombia. He explains what music therapist is, who can benefit, how it can be applied, and what are its therapeutic benefits.

La musicoterapia rompe las barreras del silencio
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Sheila Pereiro
Source / Publisher
TEDx Talk

In this video (in Spanish), Sheila Pereiro, a music therapist in Spain, shares about her experiences working with diverse populations of various ages and needs. She describes how music helped her clients express themselves, connect with others, find healing, and enhance their quality of life.

Musicothérapie : Bande à part chez Les Impatients
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Source / Publisher
Bande à part

Les Impatients is an organization that helps people who have mental health problems, offering art-based services. With Dany Bouchard, a certified music therapist, and people participating in his group music therapy sessions, the reporter Alexandre Courteau explored this discipline that is still not very well known. After one hour of musical improvisation, some participants accepted to share how music therapy has changed their life.

La musicothérapie communautaire en santé mentale : un paradigme fondé sur la chanson et la participation du client
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Sue Baines, Graeme Danko
Source / Publisher
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

In 1997, a music therapy program was first piloted in a community mental health clubhouse and six months later expanded to five community mental health group homes, in British Columbia, Canada. An article published in 2000 described the predominantly song-based approach of that program and documented the participant's evaluation of it, concluding that the client-centred empowerment model of consumer inclusiveness appeared to contribute significantly to the rehabilitative effect of the program. In this article published in 2020, the authors report on the current status of the program, including new data.

Musicothérapie à la maison de soins palliatifs Saint-Raphaël
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Saint-Raphaël Palliative Care Home and Day Center

This video features Anna Lacourse, certified music therapist (Quebec) who presents her work with a patient at the Saint-Raphaël Palliative Care Home and Day Center (Montreal). The patient gives a testimonial and describes the benefits he has experienced through music therapy.

Musicothérapie et santé mentale : l’expérience de musicothérapeutes québécois
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Guylaine Vaillancourt
Source / Publisher
Revue officielle de l’Association canadienne des musicothérapeutes

The objective of this phenomenological research is to document the experience of music therapists practicing in mental health with adults receiving services in community and hospital settings in Quebec. Reflections, recommendations, research ideas, and the results of interviews are presented here. It is hoped that this work will help to foster the use of music therapy practices in mental health, an innovative and creative approach.

Musique, musicothérapie et développement de l'enfant
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General information
Guylaine Vaillancourt
Source / Publisher
Éditions CHU Sainte-Justine, collection du CHU Sainte-Justine pour les parents

This book is available in an official English edition by the Publisher.

This book, written by music therapist Guylaine Vaillancourt, is divided in two parts. This book is intended to make parents, educators and care-givers aware of how music and music therapy can benefit children. It also explains how the purposeful use of music by music therapy professionals can restore, maintain or enhance physical and psychological well-being of children.

See the record of the book Music, Music Therapy and Child Development


Neurobiological Foundations of Neurologic Music Therapy: Rhythmic Entrainment and the Motor System
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Michael Thaut, Gerald C. Mcintosh and Volker Hoemberg
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Psychology

Entrainment is defined by a temporal locking process in which one system’s motion or signal frequency entrains the frequency of another system. This process is a universal phenomenon that can be observed in physical (e.g., pendulum clocks) and biological systems (e.g. fire flies). However, entrainment can also be observed between human sensory and motor systems. The function of rhythmic entrainment in rehabilitative training and learning was established for the first time by Thaut and colleagues in several research studies in the early 1990s. It was shown that the inherent periodicity of auditory rhythmic patterns could entrain movement patterns in patients with movement disorders (see for a review: Thaut et al, 1999). Physiological, kinematic and behavioral movement analysis showed very quickly that entrainment cues not only changed the timing of movement but also improved spatial and force parameters. Mathematical models have shown that anticipatory rhythmic templates as critical time constraints can result in the complete specification of the dynamics of a movement over the entire movement cycle, thereby optimizing motor planning and execution. Furthermore, temporal rhythmic entrainment has been successfully extended into applications in cognitive rehabilitation and speech and language rehabilitation, and thus become one of the major neurological mechanisms linking music and rhythm to brain rehabilitation. These findings provided a scientific basis for the development of Neurologic Music Therapy.