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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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264 results
The Effect of Music-Based Imagery and Musical Alternate Engagement on the Burn Debridement Process
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Richard Fratianne, Jennifer Prensner, Molly Huston, Dennis Super, et al.
Source / Publisher
Journal of Burn Care & Research

The intent of this study was to test the efficacy of music therapy in assisting burn patients in managing their pain and anxiety during debridement. Twenty-five patients, 7 years of age and older, were enrolled in the study. There was a significant reduction in the self-reporting of pain in those who received music therapy in contrast to those who did not receive music therapy. Therefore, music therapy is a valuable noninvasive intervention for the treatment of pain after burn injury.

The Effect of Songwriting on Knowledge of Coping Skills and Working Alliance in Psychiatric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Effectiveness Study.
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Michael J. Silverman
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a songwriting intervention on psychiatric patients' knowledge of coping skills and working alliance. It seems that group songwriting about coping skills can be as effective a psychosocial intervention as traditional talk-based psychoeducation to teach psychiatric inpatients how to proactively manage their illness. Additionally, music therapy can be as effective as talk-based psychoeducation in establishing working alliance. Implications for clinical practice, limitations, and suggestions for future research are provided.

The effects of group music therapy on mood states and cohesiveness in adult oncology patients
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Waldon, E.G.
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy 38 (Fall 2001) 212 – 238.

 The purpose of the current investigation was to examine the efficacy of a music therapy protocol on mood states and levels of group cohesiveness in adult oncology patients. Participants took part in "music making" sessions (where the mechanism for change included the process of making music) and "music responding" sessions (where the mechanism included the process of responding to music). 

The effects of music intervention on burn patients during treatment procedures: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Jinyi Li, Liang Zhou and Yungui Wang
Source / Publisher
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

This systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in burn patients was performed to determine the effect of music during treatments. In summary, a positive correlation was found between treatments including music interventions and pain alleviation, anxiety relief, and heart rate reduction in burn patients. However, additional high-quality studies with carefully considered music interventions for burn patients are still needed.

​​The Effects of Music on Pain: A Meta-Analysis
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Jin Hyung Lee
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The aim of this meta-analysis was to examine published RCT studies investigating the effect of music on pain. Analysis of the 97 included studies revealed that music interventions had statistically significant effects in decreasing pain, emotional distress from pain, anesthetic use, opioid intake, non-opioid intake, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and respiration rate. Conclusion: music interventions may provide an effective complementary approach for the relief of acute, procedural, and cancer/chronic pain in the medical setting.

The effects of music therapy on engagement in family caregiver and care receiver couples with dementia
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Alicia Ann Clair
Source / Publisher
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of caregiver-implemented music applications on engagement with their care receivers. Music therapy applications are effective in increasing mutual engagement in couples with dementia, and caregivers can effectively facilitate the engagement using music. Furthermore, once the engagement is established, it carries over into visitation without music.

The effects of music therapy-based bereavement groups on mood and behavior of grieving children: A pilot study
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Russell E. Hilliard
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of music therapy-based bereavement groups on mood and behavior of grieving children. The investigator concluded that participation in music therapy-based bereavement groups served to reduce grief symptoms among the subjects as evaluated in the home. Teacher and self-evaluations were less conclusive. 

The effects of a Single Electronic Music Improvisation Session on the Pain of Adults with Sickle Cell Disease: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Samuel Rodgers-Melnick, Nadine Matthie, Coretta Jenerette, Tara J Griest Pell et al.
Source / Publisher
Journal of Music Therapy

This study investigated feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a single-session electronic music improvisation with a music therapist to diminish pain intensity and improve pain relief and mood in adults with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Qualitatively, there were two prominent themes directly related to music: 1) music listening and music therapy offered many positive and few negative effects; and 2) music therapists provided comfort beyond the music. 

The effects of structured musical activity sessions on the development of a child with autism spectrum disorder: A case study
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Rose, P., & Johnson, K.
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy & Special Music Education

This case study sought to discover the effects of structured music activity sessions on eye contact and communication skills of Hunter; a six year old, high functioning child with autism.

The Efficacy of Music Therapy Protocols for Decreasing Pain, Anxiety, and Muscle Tension Levels During Burn Dressing Changes: A Prospective Randomized Crossover Trial
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Xueli Tan, Charles J. Yowler, Dennis M. Super, Richard B. Fratianne
Source / Publisher
Burn Care & Research

The purpose of this study was to explore the efficacy of two music therapy protocols on pain, anxiety, and muscle tension levels during dressing changes in burn patients. Twenty-nine inpatients participated in this prospective, crossover randomized controlled trial. Patients practiced music-based imagery (MBI), a form of music-assisted relaxation with patient-specific mental imagery before and after dressing changes. Also, the patients engaged in music alternate engagement (MAE), which consisted of active participation in music making. Conclusion: music therapy significantly decreases the acute procedural pain, anxiety, and muscle tension levels associated with daily burn care.

The essential role of music therapy in medical assistance in dying
Type of reference
General information
Amy Clements-Cortes and Joyce Yip
Source / Publisher
Oxford University Press Blog

This article describes work by music therapists to support patients in medically assisted dying, and discusses the role music therapy can play ofr individuals with these needs

The Impact of Group Drumming on Social-Emotional Behavior in Low-Income Children
Type of reference
General information
Ho, Ping; Tsao, Jennie; Bloch, Lian; Zeltze, Lonnie K
Source / Publisher
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

This study assessed the effects of 12 weeks of school counselor-led drumming on social-emotional behavior in two fifth-grade intervention classrooms versus two standard education control classrooms. The weekly intervention integrated rhythmic and group counseling activities to build skills, such as emotion management, focus and listening. Participation in group drumming led to significant improvements in multiple domains of social-emotional behavior.