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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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284 results
New institute for the promotion and support of music therapy
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General information
Suzanne Caron
Source / Publisher
Revue canadienne de musicothérapie (RCM)

After 35 years in the field of information technology followed by some time in politics, Suzanne Caron became a music therapist and founded the National Music Therapy Institute. Its mission is to raise awareness of and facilitate access to music therapy. A number of steps had to be completed before the dream of launching this Institute could become a reality —a process that demonstrated the importance of a determined, flexible, and creative approach. The COVID-19 pandemic— a tragedy in many respects—led the Institute to explore music therapy online for autistic people and family caregivers, and to develop training that would facilitate the transition for music therapists across Canada. The future looks promising for this Institute, whose story has yet to unfold.

New perspectives on music in rehabilitation of executive and attention function
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Scientific publications
Yuko Koshimori & Michael H. Thaut
Source / Publisher
Frontiers in Neuroscience

Modern music therapy, starting around the middle of the twentieth century was primarily conceived to promote emotional well-being and to facilitate social group association and integration. Therefore, it was rooted mostly in social science concepts. More recently, music as therapy began to move decidedly toward perspectives of neuroscience. This has been facilitated by the advent of neuroimaging techniques that help uncover the therapeutic mechanisms for non-musical goals in the brain processes underlying music perception, cognition, and production. In this paper, we focus on executive function (EF) and attentional processes (AP) that are central for cognitive rehabilitation efforts. To this end, we summarize existing behavioral as well as neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies in musicians, non-musicians, and clinical populations. 

New resource helps create intergenerational connections through music therapy
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General information
Source / Publisher
Schlegel- UW Research Institute for Aging

This article describes the Intergenerational Jamboree music therapy intervention. The benefits for yound children and older adults are outlined, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed. A complete guide is provided for music therapists who wish to implement the Jamboree in their community. 

New University of Limerick graduate using music therapy to treat chronic pain
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General information
Source / Publisher
University of Limerick

An article about Katie Fitzpatrick, who has dedicated her education and career to music therapy and is blazing a trail in the treatment of chronic pain.

Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
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General information
Source / Publisher
GAMUT - The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and University of Bergen),

 The Nordic Journal of Music Therapy serves the international community of music therapy by being an avenue for publication of scholarly articles, texts on practice, theory and research, dialogues and discussions, reviews and critique. Publication of the journal is based on the collaboration between the music therapy communities in the five Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and the three Baltic Countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

It Is Not Just Music and Rhythm . . . Evaluation of a Drumming-Based Intervention to Improve the Social Wellbeing of Alienated Youth
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Scientific publications
Simon Faulkner, Lisa Wood, Penny Ivery and Robert Donovan
Source / Publisher
Children Australia

The Discovering Relationship Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes & Thoughts (DRUMBEAT) program used drumming as a way of engaging at risk youth in a form of musical expression, while simultaneously incorporating themes and discussions relating to healthy relationships with others. The results support the underlying program theory, that combining the therapeutic potential of musical expression with basic cognitive–behavioural therapy can be used successfully to deliver a range of social learning outcomes, including emotional control, improved relationships and increased self-esteem.

Opera legend Renee Fleming teams up with Dr. Francis Collins to study how music can improve health
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General information
Source / Publisher
PBS News Hour

In this news report, giants in their fields of music and science, soprano Renee Fleming and phyician and geneticist Francis Collins, are merging their knowledge to propel advancements in body and mind. Recent discoveries are shared. A recent international gathering of researchers, therapists and artists took stock of what is known and what is yet to be discovered. 

Orchestrating a New Path for Multiple Sclerosis: Achieving Physical, Cognitive, and Emotional Rehabilitation Goals Through Physical and Music Therapy
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Scientific publications
Megan Weigel, Brian Hutchinson, Wendy L. Magee, Kevin Leong, Tom Sweitzer, Jamie L. Weiss, Wendy Su, Renée Fleming
Source / Publisher
International Journal of Multiple Sclerosis Care

This research article investigates who how music therapy and physical therapy can benefit individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). It demonstrates how these types of therapies can enhance rehabilitation, treat symptoms, decrease the use of medication, and improve overall wellbeing.

Overview of a Music Therapy Program at a Maximum Security Unit of a State Psychiatric Facility
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Scientific publications
Melinda Fulford
Source / Publisher
Music Therapy Perspectives

This article describes a music therapy program in a maximum security psychiatric state facility. Brief descriptions of the patient population, admission and discharge criteria, safety and security concerns, music therapy interventions, and behavioral strategies are given in order to provide a picture of the program and the concerns associated with this population.

Pain Management with Adults
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Scientific publications
Joy L. Allen
Source / Publisher
Barcelona Publishers

This book chapter describes the use of music therapy for pain management. Types of pain are discussed, along with needs and resources for this client population. The main goal of music therapy for pain management is clearly stated: “providing a nonpharmacological technique to decrease the patient’s pain perception”. Criterias for referral and assessment are provided, and an overview of both receptive and active methods and techniques, along with specific guidelines are enumerated. 

Parents’ Views with Music Therapy in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Cohort Study
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Scientific publications
Vladimir L. Cousin, Hubert Colau, Francisca Barcos-Munoz, Peter C. Rimensberger, et Angelo Polito
Source / Publisher

Cette étude rapporte que la musicothérapie (MT) pourrait être utilisée comme thérapie adjuvante en soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP), pour l’anxiété et la gestion de la douleur. L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner la perception de la musicothérapie par des parents d’enfants en SIP d’un hôpital universitaire. L’étude corrobore les potentiels positifs de la MT en SIP rapportés dans d’autres études:la musicothérapie pourrait être utilisée pour promouvoir le bien-être psychologique des parents et des enfants. 

ParkinSong: A Controlled Trial of Singing-Based Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Jeanette Tamplin, Meg E. Morris and Adam P. Vogel
Source / Publisher
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

The objective of this study was to explore the effects of an interdisciplinary singing-based therapeutic intervention (ParkinSong) on voice and communication in people with Parkinson’s disease. The results show that ParkinSong is an engaging intervention with the potential to increase loudness and respiratory function in people with mild to moderately severe PD.