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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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265 results
World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT)
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World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT)

 The World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) is an international non-for-profit organization bringing together music therapy associations and individuals interested in developing and promoting music therapy globally through the exchange of information, collaboration among professionals, and actions. Founded in 1985 in Genoa, Italy, it is the only worldwide professional organization representing music therapy in many areas of the world. The members of the Federation are music therapy organizations, training programs, certified music therapists, music therapy students, and individuals associated with music therapy. WFMT is an international body, with officers, commissioners, and regional liaisons in all regions of the world.