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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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284 results
Australian Music Therapy Association (AustMTA)
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General information
Source / Publisher
Australian Music Therapy Association (AustMTA)

The Australian Music Therapy Association (AustMTA) is the professional association regrouping all music therapists in Australia

Benji - A Journey to Speech
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Source / Publisher
Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Australia

When Benji was born, he was like any other child... at around eighteen months his speech development started to regress and his parents noticed changes in his behaviour.

Benji was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of two and a half years old... and so the challenges for Benji and his family were now clear. Realising the long road ahead, Benji's parents were determined to give their son every opportunity for success in life. His music therapy journey begins here...  

Between Music and Medicine
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General information
Robert Gupta
Source / Publisher
TED Talks

When Robert Gupta was caught between a career as a doctor and a violinist, he realized his place was in the middle, with a bow in his hand and a sense of social justice in his heart. He tells a moving story of society's marginalized and the power of music therapy, which can succeed where conventional medicine fails. .

Blind spots in music therapy. Toward a critical notion of participation in context of children with visual impairment
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Scientific publications
Brynjulf Stige, Maren Metell
Source / Publisher
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy

The purpose of this theoretical paper is to explore and develop a critical notion of participation within the context of music therapy and children with visual impairment, and to examine theoretical ideas that are relevant for practice, research, and further theoretical discussion. The frameworks of community music therapy and disability studies are used. 

Boom Boom in the Zoom Zoom Room : Online music therapy with children and adolescents with visual impairment
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Bill Ahessy
Source / Publisher
British Journal of Visual Impairment

The COVID-19 pandemic created a major transformation in the delivery of music therapy services worldwide as they moved online. Parents and their children with visual impairment participated in online music therapy sessions. Parents indicated that the programme was a valuable family resource that supported bonding and interaction. A discussion of the findings is followed by implications for practice.

British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT)
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British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT)

The British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT) is the professional association regrouping all music therapists in Great Britain

British Journal of Music Therapy
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Source / Publisher
British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT)

The British Journal of Music Therapy (BJMT) is a peer-reviewed journal for music therapists and other professionals interested in all aspects of music therapy. It publishes original articles or essays that have direct relevance to the field of music therapy

Bruscia’s clinical techniques for improvisational music therapy in autism research: A scoping review.
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Skinner, K., Kurkjian, A., & Ahonen, H.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy.

This scoping review explores Bruscia’s (1987) clinical techniques for improvisational music therapy as they relate to music therapy in autism research to determine the most commonly used clinical techniques in music therapy with clients with autism. The work was undertaken as a preliminary step in a pilot study to explore how the techniques can be represented in terms of individual ways of playing, musical relationships; and how the use of the techniques impacts the participant’s experience of musical connection, influence, and expression

Burn patient finds healing in music therapy - article
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Alicia Rohan
Source / Publisher
University of Alabama (UAB) - News

Emotional and physical healing can come from a single song that masks the pain, according to a burn a patient at the Birmingham Hospital (Alabama, USA). They never knew the power that music would play in healing during such a traumatic time of their life.

Burn patient finds healing in music therapy (video)
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University of Alabama at Birmingham

Emotional and physical healing can come from a simple song that masks the pain, according to Markeyla Williams, 22, a patient at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital. Williams never knew the power that music would play in healing during such a traumatic time of her life. You can also read the complete article (see other reference with same title).

Calgary Teen with cerebral palsy writes Remembrance Day Song: "It's phenomenal!"
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General information
Gil Tucker
Source / Publisher
Global News

Article and video showcase work by music therapist Laurie Perez with a teenage student with cerebral palsy, demonstrating the use of song writing in a school setting with children with disabilities

Canadian Association of Music Therapists (CAMT)
Type of reference
General information
Source / Publisher
Canadian Association of Music Therapists

The Canadian Association of Music Therapists (CAMT) is the professional association regrouping all certified music therapists in Canada.