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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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27 results
Therabeat: Music Therapy for Kids
Type of reference
General information
Source / Publisher

This video provides music therapy live footage and testimonials of its impact in the life of children and their parents. It documents music therapy with young children within a developmental approach. 
It documents the approach and the work of Jennifer Puckett, MT-BC.

Using music-adapted technology to explore Bruscia’s clinical techniques introduced in autism research: Pilot study
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Kurkjian, A., & Skinner, K.. Ahonen, H.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy

 This pilot research investigated eight most commonly used Bruscia’s (1987) clinical improvisation techniques utilised in music therapy with autistic clients: imitating, reflecting, synchronising, extending, symbolising, holding, incorporating, and rhythmic grounding. Improvisations were recorded using LogicPro connected to MalletKAT
instruments. Improvisations were analysed using music-adapted technology, the MIDI Toolbox.

What sound can you make? A case study of a music therapy group for children with autism, learning disabilities and challenging behaviours.
Type of reference
Scientific publications
White, B.
Source / Publisher
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy

 Children with autism have historically received individual music therapy sessions; however they can also benefit from small group work where they can have a shared musical experience.